Stress The response of the body to the demands of daily living Stressors Physical Exercising until you are exhausted Mental Preparing for a difficult test Social Introduced to someone new Environmental Being in a room with a smoker Push the Panic Button Check This out!
Stress continued Brainstorm 5 Causes of Stress ________________________
Stress continued Eustress Distress Positive Stress; Stress that can help you achieve your goals Packing for a vacation Wedding Having a baby Distress Negative Stress; stress that can have a serious physical and emotional effect on your life Job loss death
General Adaptation Syndrome Is a series of body changes that result from stress. Alarm Stage Resistance Stage Exhaustion Stage
The alarm Stage The body gets ready for quick action Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. This helps the body to prepare to either stay and fight the danger or to run away from it. Flight vs. Fight Gets you ready to take action or to run and protect yourself.
RESISTANCE stage Body attempts to regain hemostasis The heart slows down and the muscles relax Adrenaline is no longer secreted.
Exhaustion Stage When people do not know how to manage their stress and take proper actions, their bodies stay in the alarm stage for long periods of time and become exhausted which causes wear and tear on the body. Increase the risk of injury, illness and premature death
Short and long term affects Tension Stomach cramping/ bloating Heart conditions Constipation/ diarrhea Higher risk of asthma attacks
Stress management Techniques to prevent and deal with stressors and to protect one’s health from harmful effects produced by the stress response. How do you manage your stress?
List of Skills Use responsible decision making skills Keep a time management plan Keep a budget Talk with parents, a guardian, a mentor, or another responsible adult. Support from friends Exercise Keep a journal Sleep