GETIR professional profile Final Conference GETIR project Timisoara, 18th December 2012
GETIR project reason and background GETIR project: aims&objectives Project partners Mission of the GETIR agent Functions General Competences Competence profile Knowledge Skills Attitudes GETIR professional profile training areas Target group
GETIR PROJECT REASON AND CONTEXT The rising of new territorial models of Socially Responsible Territory and Intelligent Territory (and their assimilation at EU level) A deep theoretical redefinition in the local development area and its professional performance The need to update and adapt the current professional cualifications of practitioners and people working in the areas of: Local development Territorial management (in its broadest sense) The rising of new territorial models of Socially Responsible Territory and Intelligent Territory (and their assimilation at EU level) A deep theoretical redefinition in the local development area and its professional performance The need to update and adapt the current professional cualifications of practitioners and people working in the areas of: Local development Territorial management (in its broadest sense)
GETIR PROJECT REASON AND CONTEXT GETIR PROJECT : OBJECTIVES Creating a new professional profile and training curriculum at EU level: «European Manager of Intelligent and Responsible Territories GETIR profile includes new professional competences in local/territorial management to cover the lack of accurate and updated educational/training programmes in this area Very high demand of this kind of professional career in the European labour market GETIR PROJECT : OBJECTIVES Creating a new professional profile and training curriculum at EU level: «European Manager of Intelligent and Responsible Territories GETIR profile includes new professional competences in local/territorial management to cover the lack of accurate and updated educational/training programmes in this area Very high demand of this kind of professional career in the European labour market
GETIR PROJECT REASON AND CONTEXT “Desarrollo Local Sostenible en Territorios Inteligentes y Responsables” (“Local Sustainable Development in Intelligent and Responsible Territories”): changing paradigms and changing practice in the Local Development field –and spatial planning- Leonardo da Vinci European Programme– GETIR: Development of Innovation European project(DOI) “Desarrollo Local Sostenible en Territorios Inteligentes y Responsables” (“Local Sustainable Development in Intelligent and Responsible Territories”): changing paradigms and changing practice in the Local Development field –and spatial planning- Leonardo da Vinci European Programme– GETIR: Development of Innovation European project(DOI)
GETIR PROJECT: aims & objectives The specific aims of GETIR project are: Define, test and validate the GETIR professional profile and competences at the EU level Design and test a multimedia training tool easy to use and transferable to other countries, from an EU sustainable local development perspective Create a virtual community 2.0 of GETIRs to support the use of the training tool and to promote the creation of networks among professionals and territories. Develop an innovative pedagogical process focused on cooperative learning, social/organizational learning, learning territories…
GETIR PROJECT PARTNERS All the European partners involved in this proposal have a wide experience working in the fields of local development and training Bulgarian Development Agency (Bulgary) Folkuniversitetet Uppsala (Sweden) Romanian Institute for Adult Education (Romania) DOCUMENTA, European Institute for Training and Development (Spain) DIMITRA Institute of Training and Development (Greece)
MISSION OF THE EUROPEAN MANAGER OF INTELLIGENT AND RESPONSIBLE TERRITORIES Promote, direct and coordinate a local process leading into the formation of Intelligent and Responsible Territories To achieve this, a GETIR agent must domain five specific areas of knowledge (as a coordinator able to manage these theoretical and practical areas as a whole: Knowledge Management in the Territory and Corporate Social Responsibility Good Governance, Social participation and empowerment. Social Capital (Management, prospection, activation) Local Sustainable Development New Technologies.
COMPETENCES OF THE EUROPEAN MANAGER OF INTELLIGENT AND RESPONSIBLE TERRITORIES GENERAL UNITS OF COMPETENCE 1. Improve and manage a local development and territorial social responsibility system 2. Promote social participation, good governance and improve the empowerment in the agents 3. Activate, generate and increase the social capital of the territory through establishing social networks 4. Manage in a strategic way the knowledge in the territory 5. Apply the new technologies in the Intelligent and responsible territories aimed to local development.
COMPETENCE PROFILE. SKILLS Ability to transfer information, Get and give feedback, Ability to negotiate, Ability to persuade, Ability to listening and empathize, working in teams, Ability to public speaking, Good use of written communication COMMUNICATION Project management, Promote networks and social interaction, guidance, make and propose initiatives, Give clear guidelines, be able to motivate others, Create a good working environment, transparency, communication and dialogue, flexibility, be able to evaluate the provided services and the stakeholders. LEADERSHIP AND NETWORK MANAGEMENT Propose justified NT solutions, analysis capacity, being able to evaluate problems and make decisions, oriented to results ANALYSIS AND PROBLEM SOLVING Identify NT, be able to establish comparisons between the applications / tools and distinguish their advantages and disadvantages, to propose the most adequate considering the specific situations that are going to happen in the region. Flexibility, creativity, Openness to experiment. INNOVATION
GETIR PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: TARGET GROUP Professional areas Management of various local governance departments. Management section of any of the enterprise departments (Production, Quality, Human Resources). Management of public or private local/regional development organizations. Sustainable Local Development Local Economy Development Territorial social responsibility / corporate social responsibility Productive sectors Private sector. Public sector. Third sector. Relevant related occupations and jobs European Manager of Intelligent and Responsible Territories. Director of Human Resources. Director of Engineering. Director or responsible of Marketing. Technical and/or Technology Director. Director of R&D. Specialist within an organization/ company.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE DOCUMENTA Instituto Europeo de Estudios para la Formación y el Desarrollo c/ Cisneros 20, 1º Santander (España)