The evolution of the US strategies towards rising powers
Conceptual partConceptual part 1.Ikenberry ’s version of Neoliberalism as theoretical basis of the US strategies towards new rising powers at early stages of B. Obama’s presidency Liberal order Liberal order New agenda should reinforce international institutions and regimes New agenda should reinforce international institutions and regimes Necessity of counteraction to such problems as proliferation, international terrorism, cybercrime. Necessity of counteraction to such problems as proliferation, international terrorism, cybercrime.
Democratization + development of means of communications facilitate the global civil society to shape the decisions of states The institutional structure is not based on power distribution The USA is still a leader, but it’s system is open for lobbying A convergence of world views and values around liberal capitalism
2. The “Great Debates” of 2012 as theoretical basis of correction the US “Great Strategy” and it’s policy during Obama’s second term Realists: The strategy of retrenchment (Barry R.Posen «Pull Back») Liberalars: The strategy of engagement (Stephen G.Brooks, G. John Ikenberry, and William C. Wohlforth, art. “Lean Forward”)
Aspects of the «Great Strategy» developmentAspects of the «Great Strategy» development 1.Main components of the GS Leadership under conditions of multipolarity Involvement of new powers into American-led order The US agenda US as producer of global collective goods
2.The GS transformation during Collaboration vs deterrence with rising powers Consolidation of traditional allies and self- reinforcement in frame of NATO, TFTA as well as bilateral partnerships with SEA countries. Creation of «expanded west» as the countrary to rising powers. Denial of consolidation. Crisis of spring 2014, China’s attitude
The analysis of US strategy towards Russia and ChinaThe analysis of US strategy towards Russia and China 1.Russia Reset: Initial success (New START; Collaboration in Afganistan; Iran; war on terrorism; proliferation; Russian entry to the WTO; U.S.–Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission etc.)
Subsequent crisis and crash (Missile defence; Lybian contradictions TNW; Putin’s return; Magnitsky’s list) 2013 – selective collaboration Syrian and Ukrainian crises. The strategy of deterrence. Strengthening of neoconservative component
2.China 2010 – failure of China’s integration (Declined G2; attempts of establishing regional hegemony; military policy) Anti-access & Area denial strategies ASEAN+ Territorial dispute with Japan; Philippines; Vietnam
Results: Reconsideration of US policy on China Strengthening deterrence (Strategic defence guidance ; Pacific anti missile program) Chinese factor in policy of «refocusing» on Pacific Rim. Meanwhile – collaboration on global economic regulation