Lansing politicians have been busy… Over the past 20 months they have: * Taken away the right to bargain over the decision to privatize the work of support staff. * Taken away the right to bargain retroactive wages. * Taken away the right to bargain just cause for discipline of teachers.
Lansing politicians have been busy… Over the past 20 months they have: * Taken away the right to bargain over evaluation. * Taken away the right to bargain the parameters of health insurance premiums. * Taken away the right to bargain over how members pay dues.
Lansing politicians have been busy… Over the past 20 months they have: * Increased employee contributions toward pensions and retirement health benefits * Taken away retirement health benefits from new public school employees. * Taken away the voice and respect of public school employees.
Lansing politicians and corporate special interests have been attacking the middle class and Michigan workers by dismantling collective bargaining!
Working Families Must be Protected by Protecting Collective Bargaining!
How does Collective Bargaining help you ? Collective bargaining gives workers a voice, helping them negotiate fair wages benefits and working conditions, while protecting them against arbitrary behavior by employers.
How does Collective Bargaining help you ? Educators use collective bargaining to keep class sizes small, improve staff training programs and provide appropriate instructional materials for students.
How does Collective Bargaining help you ? Police and firefighters use collective bargaining to improve public safety by bargaining staffing levels and ensuring that life saving equipment is provided by employers.
How does Collective Bargaining help you ? Collective bargaining helps all workers because bargained work conditions become standards for all workers. Collective bargaining provides families with the resources they need to support local businesses.
Working Families Must be Protected by Protecting Collective Bargaining!
So What Do We Need To Do ? 700,000 Michigan citizens signed petitions to amend the Michigan Constitution to Protect Collective Bargaining! Now, it’s up to the voters on November 6!
So What Do We Need to Do?
You Can Help By: Getting at least 5 friends, family members and neighbors to commit to voting YES on the amendment to protect Collective Bargaining! Encouraging friends, family and neighbors to vote absentee starting at the bottom of the ballot and working to the top! Getting involved in the campaign to inform voters of the issues and encouraging them to vote YES on November 6.
You Can Help By: Joining the MEA 24+ Club by Giving a day (24 hours) to the campaign. Go to protectourjobs.com to volunteer. Gathering 48 voter commitment cards and following up with the voters.
Vote: YES on the Constitutional Amendment to Protect Collective Bargaining Rights
VOTE absentee or in person: For candidates and issues that are recommended by the MEA!
We Cannot Fail… Voting Decisions in this Election will affect: Our children Our grandchildren Our relatives, your friends, and your neighbors Our community and country Our careers Our future We Must Get Involved!
Failure Would Mean… Less Money for Public Education Less Quality Public Education Fewer Education Jobs in Education Less Pay and Benefits for Working Families Fewer Opportunities for our Children
To Protect Collective Bargaining and Working Families, We Must Get Involved and Get Our Co-Workers, Relatives, Friends And Neighbors Involved!
Let’s Make a Difference in November 2012!