The Inquiry Method for Social Science Research
Doctor Example Order:Steps: What would you call each of the steps? The doctor gathered the notes from her observations and added them to the test results she had obtained. The patient walked into the doctor’s office, complaining of fever and lack of energy. The doctor concluded that the patient might have the flu that was going around. The doctor thought the patient might have the flu that was going around. The doctor prescribed rest, tylenol, and plenty of liquids. The doctor inspected the patient’s eyes, nose and ears and ordered some test.
► Social science research looks for: patterns in human behaviour connections among those behaviours ► Most frequently asked questions are ‘What happens?’ and ‘Why?’ ► You will learn the answers to these questions by using the research methods of social science.
How the Inquiry Method Works
1) Identify the Problem ► Begin with the topic or issue you want to study. ► Determine what you already know or THINK you know. ► The problem states what you need to find out.
Research Question ► This forms the basis for your investigation. states exactly what you want to study ► State this as a question – (will be answered as your hypothesis) ► Your research questions must include 2 variables – independent (cause) and dependent (effect)
2) Developing a Hypothesis ► A statement of a possible answer to the question which the researcher will attempt to prove or disprove using research. ► This can be based on an educated opinion as to what you think the conclusions of your research may be and why you think this occurs.
3) Gather Data – Do an Experiment or Research 3) Gather Data – Do an Experiment or Research ► Gather the data/information to answer your question. ► Secondary research = using existing data from credible social scientists ► Primary research = gathering your own research Use surveys, questionnaires, interviews, experiments and/or observations.
4) Analyze the Data ► Organize the data so you can compare, analyze and summarize the information. ► Look for relationships and trends between the data – these relationships between evidence will help you answer your research question. ► Look for relationships and trends between the data – these relationships between evidence will help you answer your research question.
5) Formulate and Communicate Conclusions ► Form the conclusions that state how your data answers your question or hypothesis and also how they answer the question ‘Why?’. ► Sometimes your hypothesis will not be answered – WHY? Explain your results either written, orally or in a research report.
6) Theory Application ► Use an existing theory to help explain reasons for your conclusions (deductive reasoning) ► Develop your own theory which explain the trends you have found in your research (inductive reasoning) ► Real world application of the research – how does the research help us advance and improve aspects of society and individuals?
In Class Activity - ► Fill in the chart outlining the areas of the inquiry method from the studies/articles provided
► Study 1: Spongebob Cartoon Causes Attention Problems in Kids 0s 0s 0s ► Study 2: Student 'addiction' to technology 'similar to drug cravings', study finds ctions/conclusions/ ctions/conclusions/ ctions/conclusions/