Research Strategic Plan Navigation for a Sustainable Future
Mission & Overview 11 Strategic goals Technical Challenges limiting Building performance Energy efficiency IEQ Coordinating efforts amount various TCs
Goal #1 Maximize the actual operational energy performance General industry & decision-making Design & Construction Operation & Maintenance
Needed Research for Goal #1 Application of BIM for design, commissioning, operations & maintenance Quantify energy saving from various measures Development of automated tools to support commissioning
Goal #3 To significantly reduce energy consumption for HVAC&R, water & lighting in homes Educate homeowners on waste and improvement Improve equipment rating methods
Needed Research for Goal #3 Better control systems Energy efficiency guide for existing homes Improved understanding of home systems
Goal #7 Development of tools, procedures & methods for designing low-energy buildings Reduce ‘trial & error” simulations Easier to use modeling tools
Needed Research for Goal #7 Whole building simulation tools Models & design procedures for natural & hybrid ventilation systems Simple rating tool to examine/compare shading/glazing & weather conditions
Research Strategic Plan Goal based Drives Research for the next 5 Yrs Real world, Real need applications Developed by you and ASHRAE peers Supported by YOU
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