CSC350: Learning Management Systems


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Presentation transcript:

CSC350: Learning Management Systems COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (Virtual Campus)

Lecture # 13 Leadership

Review of the Previous Lecture A fundamental understanding of influencing Insights about emotional intelligence An understanding of how communication works Hints for communicating in organizations Useful ideas for encouraging organizational communication

Topics of Discussion A working definition of leadership An understanding of early approaches to leadership An appreciation for more recent approaches to leadership Insights into how leaders should make decisions Hints on how leaders change organizations How leaders should coach An appreciation for emerging leadership concepts

DEFINING LEADERSHIP The process of directing the behavior of others toward the accomplishment of an objective Directing – causing individuals to act in a certain way or to follow a particular course of action Central theme is getting things accomplished through people

Leader vs. Manager LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT Subset of management Emphasizes behavioral issues Cares about and focuses on people doing the job Focuses on concern for workers as people Focuses on both nonbehavioral as well as behavioral issues Makes sure job gets done Focuses on organizational processes

Effective Managers are also Leaders

EARLY APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP Trait Approach Assumed leaders are born and not made Described leaders based on a set of characteristics Showed inconsistency – no one set of qualities or traits could be used to differentiate leaders from nonleaders

Common Leadership Traits Intelligence Past achievement in scholarship & athletics Emotional maturity & stability Dependability, persistence, drive Social and adaptive skills Desire for status and socioeconomic position

Early Approaches to Leadership Behavioral Approach Looked at what good leaders do Leaders exhibit two types of behavior Ohio State The OSU Studies University of Michigan The Michigan Studies

The OSU Studies Structure Behavior Consideration Behavior Establishing well-defined procedures followers will adhere to when performing their jobs Consideration Behavior Developing and maintaining a good relationship between leader and follower Reflects friendship, mutual trust, respect, warmth in leader/follower relationships

The OSU Studies

The OSU Studies Lore International Institute Leaders need to demonstrate trustworthiness, honesty, and ability to collaborate Trustworthiness is ruined when leaders’ behavior demonstrates they are: Credit Hogs Lone Rangers Egomaniacs Mules

The Michigan Studies Job-Centered Behavior Employee-Centered Behavior Focus on work being done Focus on how well subordinate is performing their job Employee-Centered Behavior Focus on subordinates as people Focus on personal needs of subordinates and building cooperative work teams

Combining the Ohio State & Michigan Studies Both point to two primary dimensions of leader behavior: Work Dimension Structure Behavior Job-Centered Behavior People Dimension Consideration Behavior Employee-Centered Behavior

Effectiveness of Leadership Styles Research shows: Desirable leadership behavior is associated with strong leader emphasis on both structure and consideration Undesirable leadership behavior is associated with weak leader emphasis on both dimensions

Comparing Leadership Styles Leadership situations are varied Saying one style is most effective is oversimplification Leaders need to link leadership styles to appropriate situations

MORE RECENT APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP Situational Approach Life Cycle Theory Fiedler’s Contingency Theory Path-Goal Theory

Situational Approach to Leadership Each instance of leadership is different and requires a unique combination of leaders, followers, and leadership situations SL=f(L, F, S) SL = successful leadership f = function of L = leader F = follower S = situation

Life Cycle Theory of Leadership Based on relationship that leadership style should reflect maturity level of the followers Maturity – Ability of followers to perform their jobs independently, assume additional responsibilities, and desire to achieve success The more of these attributes the followers possess, the more mature they are said to be Manager’s leadership style is only effective if it is appropriate for the maturity level of the followers

Life Cycle Theory of Leadership

Fiedler’s Contingency Theory Proposed the solution for effective leadership is to change the organizational situation to fit the leader’s style Three primary factors: Leader-Member Relations Task Structure Position Power

Fiedler Contingency Theory

Fiedler Contingency Theory

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership Basic premise: Leader outlines goals for followers Leader clears path that followers should take Followers achieve goals and earn rewards contingent on doing so Managers can facilitate job performance by showing employees how their performance directly affects receiving desired results

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership Directive Behavior Telling followers what to do and how to do it Supportive Behavior Being friendly with followers and showing interest in them as human beings

Path-Goal Theory of Leadership Participative Behavior Seek suggestions from followers regarding business operations to the extent followers are involved in making important organizational decisions Achievement Behavior Setting challenging goals for followers to reach and expressing/demonstrating confidence they measure up to the challenge

HOW LEADERS MAKE DECISIONS Tannenbaum & Schmidt Leadership Continuum One of the most quoted articles related to how leaders make decisions Managers are successful decision makers only if the method they use to make decisions appropriately reflects the leader, the follower, and the situation

Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum

Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum Forces Influencing Manager’s Decisions: Forces in Manager Values – Confidence in Subordinates – Personal Leadership Strengths – Tolerance for Ambiguity Forces in Subordinates Need for Independence – Readiness – Interest – Knowledge – Experience – Expectations Forces in Situation Organization Type – Group Effectiveness – Problem to Solve – Time Available

Vroom-Yetton-Jago Model (VYJ) Focuses on how much participation to allow subordinates in decision-making process Organizational decisions should be of high quality Subordinates should accept and be committed to organizational decisions that are made

Vroom-Yetton-Jago Model Decision Styles

VYJ Decision Tree Model

VYJ Decision-Making Effectiveness Research has shown evidence decisions consistent with the model are more successful than are decisions inappropriate with the model Main challenge is the complexity of the model and difficulty in applying the model

LEADERS CHANGING ORGANIZATIONS Transformational Leadership Inspiring organizational success by affecting followers’ beliefs Closely related to charismatic and inspirational leadership Raise follower awareness of organizational issues Create vision – Build commitment – Facilitate organizational change



Servant Leadership Leader’s primary role is to help followers in quests to satisfy personal needs, aspirations, and interests Places high value on service to others over self-interests Good listeners – Persuasive – Aware of their surroundings – Empathetic - Stewards

Level 5 Leadership Blends personal humility with intense will to build long-range organizational success

Authentic Leadership Entails leaders who are deeply aware of their own and others’ moral perspectives Leaders are confident, hopeful, optimistic, resilient, and of high moral character Moral Courage – strength to take actions consistent with moral beliefs

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