Closing the Achievement Gap Using Safe Harbor To Target Students Not Making AYP October 23, 2008 Information for this presentation are adapted from CDDRE (2008) handouts. Title I 2008 OBJECTIVES Discuss the procedures for SAFE HARBOR Estimate Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Targets for
Critical Numbers* NumberDefinition /99/15 2 and , +1 * Details to make better decisions about targeting students, school grades, AYP and student learning.
Elementary: B
Reference Slide 3 Red arrow = regular AYP Green arrow = Safe Harbor Regular AYP 1.How many subgroups does the school have? 2.What % of the students were tested? 3.Which subgroup did not make AYP in reading? 4.What % met the writing criteria? (90%) SAFE HARBOR 1.What % decrease was obtained for reading from 2007 to 2008?
SWD Subgroup for Reading 10% decrease.62 *.10 =.062 = 6.2 % Compare obtained (55) to 55.8 = 10% decrease met Total tested = 284 SWD subgroup = X SWD Subgroup 15% of total tested in reading
Flow Chart of Qualifying for Safe Harbor 95% participation rate in each subgroup and whole school Graduation rate: 1% improvement or 85% or higher (high school only) School grade not D or F WRITING 90, +1 90% to 100% or 1% growth (0% to 89%) SUBGROUPS 1+8, 30/99/ or more students is a subgroup is a subgroup if 15% of tested Less than 30 is not a subgroup % scoring below proficient decreased by 10% NO Made AYP Did not make AYP STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 YES
Example 1: Reading - Qualifying for Safe Harbor Group No. Tested 30/99/ 15 Reading Tested 95% of the students 58% scoring at or above grade level in Reading? Improved performance in Writing by 1% 0r 90%+ % of Students below grade level in reading (10% decrease) Safe Harbor Reading 2008Y/N2008Y/N Y/N Y/N TOTAL284100Y68Y9190Y3433NA WHITE32100Y BLACK221100Y64Y9390Y4036NA HISPANIC12 ASIAN7 AM INDIAN 0 ECON DIS205100Y63Y9290Y4037NA LEP3 SWD6498Y45N90 Y6255?
Guide to Examining Safe Harbor: Questions to Ask 1.Did the school meet the Writing criterion? 2.Was there 95% participation in each subgroup and whole school? 3.Did the school meet the graduation rate criterion? 4.Are there at least 100 tested in each subgroup? If , does it represent 15% of the total tested? Are there less than 30? 5.Did the school receive a D or F grade? 6.Was there a 10% reduction in the % of students who were non-proficient in the previous year?
How can a school use safe harbor information? -- Estimate focus for Writing How many students are currently enrolled in the 4 th, 8 th or 10 th grade?100 How many of them are currently writing at a level 3 and above?60 What percentage is that of your total enrolled in the 4 th, 8 th or 10 th grade?60% What is 90% of the currently enrolled 4 th, 8 th or 10 th graders?90 How many more students do you need to reach the 90% criterion?
Practice: Estimate focus for Writing for your own school (5 minutes) How many students are currently enrolled in the 4 th, 8 th or 10 th grade? How many of them are currently writing at a level 3 and above? What percentage is that of your total enrolled in the 4 th, 8 th or 10 th grade? What is 90% of the currently enrolled 4 th, 8 th or 10 th graders? How many more students do you need to reach the 90% criterion?
Practice: Estimate focus for any subgroup in reading/math (5 minutes) How many students are currently enrolled in the grade(s) under consideration?100 What percentage met the proficiency target in reading/math? How many students doe this represent? 55% 55 What percentage did not meet the proficiency target in reading/math?45% What is 10% of 45%?4.5% (5%) What is at least a 10% decrease of 45%40% How many non-proficient students does 40% represent?40 How many proficient students does 60% represent?60 How many students should meet the proficiency target? _______
Critical Numbers* NumberDefinition 65Proficiency target for Reading in Proficiency target for Math in levels of FCAT 10In safe harbor, the % of students who are below the proficiency target should be reduced by at least 10% Total + subgroups 30/99/15Subgroups For AYP: Less than 30 = no, 100 = yes, = must represent more than 15% of the schools tested population. 2 and 3Students enrolled between Survey 2 and Survey 3 are included in calculations. 95AYP requires 95% tested for each group tested 90, +1AYP requires Writing % proficiency of 90%+ or 1% increase
Summary: Guide to Qualifying for Safe Harbor 1.Meet AYP in Writing: 90%+ or 1% improvement 2.95% participation rate in each subgroup and whole school 3.School has met the graduation rate criterion. 4.Subgroups = 100 ok, must be 15% of total tested, less than 30 = no 5.School is not D or F 6.SAFE HARBOR = 10% reduction in the number of students who were non-proficient in the previous year.
Practice: AYP and AMO Targets Materials Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report, page 2 2.Current enrollment by subgroup 3.Worksheet
Worksheet 1A
Worksheet 1B
School or district makes AYP if the following criteria are met: METHOD REQUIREMENTCRITERIA Meet Benchmarks Regular AYP A.Participation95% B. Reading Proficiency65% ( ) C. Math Proficiency68% ( ) D. Other Criteria Improve Writing (3.0 for AYP) Improve graduation rate School grade 1% or 90+% 1% or 85% in current year Grade not D or F Safe Harbor E.A + D F.Reduction in % who are non-proficient 10% Growth Model G.A + D H.% of students on track to be proficientAMO (benchmarks) Source: 2007 Guide to Calculating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), TAC 2007 Look at handout: Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report – Page 2 APPENDIX A