Light microscopic imaging of living cells Critical parameters: Low light level Speed of data acquisition Quantitative measurements “in vivo” environment
Fluorescence / imaging microscope Xe arc lamp Intensified video camera Filter Wheel Dichroic mirror Video frame grabber I. Optics and image formation Video monitor
Fluorescence / imaging microscope Thermostatized perfusion chamber Manifold Perfusion reservoirs II. Handling / observation of living cells
Metafluor® Software: Fluorescence ratio imaging system Image acquisition via video frame grabber Image processing, analysis and quantification Real time processing (averaging, background subtraction, ratio images) Automation: Control of external devices (filter wheels, monochromators, valves, triggers, etc.) Implemented on Pentium II 333 MHz computer
Some fluorescent dyes that can be used: Fluorescein-, Rhodamine-based dyes pH: BCECF, SNARF Ca 2+ : Fura-2, Fluo-3, Mag-Fura-2, Calcium Green, Rhod-2 Na + : SBFI, SBFO, Sodium Green K + : PBFI, CD 222 mitochondrial : Rhodamine 123, TMRE Vesicle release : FM 1-43 Autofluorescence : NAD(P)H Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) etc.
Na + homeostasis in astrocytes (simplified model) 3 Na + 1 Glut 1 K + 1 H + Na + K+K+ ATP [Na + ] o =160 mM [Na + ] i 10 mM Na + AKR Glut Kainate AMPA
Structure of SBFI (sodium-binding benzofuran isophthalate)
380nm-ImageControl (ratio image) L-Glu 1mM (ratio image)
Glutamate-evoked intracellular Na + changes
Glutamate: concentration-response analysis
Na + homeostasis in astrocytes (simplified model) 3 Na + 1 Glut 1 K + 1 H + Na + K+K+ ATP [Na + ] o =160 mM [Na + ] i 10 mM Na + AKR Glut Kainate AMPA
Effect of Na + /K + -ATPase inhibition (1)