1 Unit 5 First Aid
3 Period 2 Reading First aid for burns
4 What things at home can be dangerous? electrical equipment electric wires poisons How to deal with these injuries? knives hot water glass Brainstorming gas pets
5 Pre-reading: What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning? Cool the area of skin Wash it under the cold tap Cover the wound with bandage / clean cloth See a doctor if necessary
6 Skim for general idea. How many parts are the text and what are they? 5 1.The purpose of skin 2.Cause of burns 3.Types of burns 4.Symptoms of burns 5.First aid treatment
7 Scanning Read the text quickly and do the multiple choices on BEST DESIGN
8 Detail reading: Filling in the blanks What can skin do for our body ? _________________________________ Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays. Keep you warm or cool Prevent you from losing water Gives you sense of touch
9 You can get burnt by : ____________________________ _______________________________ Detail reading: Filling in the blanks hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals Causes of burns
10 Answer the questions 1. Why should you put cold water on a burn? 2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt? 3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? 4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? The cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling.The cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and prevents or reduces swelling. Because nerves is damaged.Because nerves is damaged. Because this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.Because this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected. These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under firesThese affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under fires
11 Language points sense of touch sense of sight sense of hearing sense of taste sense of smell sense of humour sense of beauty sense of urgency 触觉 Sense 视觉 听觉 味觉 嗅觉 幽默感 美感 紧迫感
12 Language points unless: 除非 …… ;如果不 …… Don’t make it public u uu unless I agree. Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is to stopped, the polar ice caps could melt with terrible consequences.
13 Language points Hold the bandage in place with tape. in place The librarian put the returned books in place. 放在适当的位置
14 Language points It shows that a knowledge of first aid can m mm make a real d dd difference. Make(some,no,ect) difference It makes no difference to me where you come from.
15 If you want more tips about first aids and ways to deal with common injuries, refer to the following websites
16 Home work Finish the Exes in p36. Read the text.