Results of the Crusades Mr. Barchetto Notes #5
Results of the Crusades Pt.1 THE POPE’S POWER DIMINSHES In the beginning the Crusades provided political power and wealth to the Catholic Church. The church was able to have a great influence over monarchs and the people of Europe.
Results of the Crusades Pt.2 INCREASED POWER TO MONARCHS As the nobles sold off their lands to kings to pay for their journeys to the Holy Land, the monarchs gained more power.
Results of the Crusades Pt.3 CULTURAL DIFFUSION New ideas were exchanged as Europeans saw in the East a prosperity with which they were not familiar, such as great cities, active trade and industry, and achievements in the arts and sciences. Many of these discoveries were brought back to Europe.
Results of the Crusades Pt.4 ECONOMIC GROWTH As the Europeans gained knowledge of the East they desired items such as spices, luxury goods, sugar, citrus fruits, cotton cloth, carpets, paper, glassware and precious stones.
Results of the Crusades Pt.5 TECHNOLOGY Technology such as gunpowder, and new navigation and sailing methods was introduced to the Europeans.
Results of the Crusades Pt.6 A RISING MIDDLE CLASS Throughout Europe trade increased, money increasingly replaced bartering, urban populations grew, and a new social class arose (the middle class). This class was composed of merchants, bankers, and professionals. This class would play an integral role in the future of western Europe.
Results of the Crusades Pt.7 ITALIAN CITY-STATES FLOURISHED Italian city-states such as Venice flourished and became wealthy selling supplies and providing ships to transport the crusaders to the Holy Land.
Changes in Medieval Society “Crusades Impact on Europe” Growing Food Supply Switch to horses to plow fields Three-Field System Growth of Guilds Guilds (Merchant and Craft) This was an organization of individuals in the same business or occupation working to improve the economic and social conditions of its members. Commercial Revolution Expansion of trade and business in Europe As traders moved from fair to fair new forms of business and banking were established Revival of Learning Cultural interaction with the Muslim and Byzantine worlds sparked the growth of learning and the birth of an institution new to Europe—The University. Europeans acquired a huge new library of information on: science, philosophy, law, mathematics and much more.
Understanding the Effects of the Crusades Understanding the Effects of the Crusades (Internet Analogy) Europe Before Crusades (Dial-up Connection) Europe was closed to the world around it. Much of the focus during the Middle Ages was on “protection” Only the Church clergy in Europe were educated.
Understanding the Effects of the Crusades Understanding the Effects of the Crusades (Internet Analogy) Europe After the Crusades (DSL, Cable Modem Hook up) During the Crusades Europeans began seeing the world outside of Europe. New goods and services poured into Europe from the East. Many Europeans thrived on these new goods coming from the East. Spices Silk Sugar Salt
….and then there was “Death” Turn to page 400 and read about the spread of the Bubonic Plague aka “Black Death” answer questions on notes.
Two Great Pillars of Medieval Europe Fall… The Age of Faith Cause: Church power grew so much during the Middle Ages but this all changed with the crusades, the great schism & black plague. Effect: Church suffered a loss of prestige when its prayers failed to stop the Bubonic plague and priests abandoned their duties. The Age of Chivalry Cause: Longbow during the Hundred Years war changed how war would be fought in Europe forever. Effect: The idea of Knights battling in a field became a dead practice.
Death of the Middle Ages