Current Activities at the MUST-SIM Facility NEEShub Site Visit to UIUC July 23, 2010 Dan Kuchma, Greg Pluta, Thomas Frankie, and Aditya Bhagath Illinois NEES Facility Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois
Content of Presentation CABER Project –3-Pier Simulation –Test Structure –Hybrid Testing EOT Efforts –Shear-Torsion Interaction –Data-Rich Video Production –Access Portal
Limitations of Hybrid Simulation Only relatively simple systems to date –Structures and earthquakes are 3D Loading is generally simplified –True actions are complex 6DOF load and boundary conditions Earthquake Excitation Simple Bridge Model Courtesy of National Taiwan University
NEES CABER Project Curved Bridge with 3 Piers –2 Large Scale Piers –1 Small Scale Pier Considerations –Curved/skewed –Uneven spans/heights –Soil/foundation interaction –Multi-directional motions
Details of Structure To be tested using LARGE scale LBCBs To be tested using SMALL scale LBCBs 28.5 ft 37.5 ft 22.5 ft Abut 1Abut 2 75 ft 100 ft Bent 1 Bent 2 Bent 3 75 ft 150 ft 75 ft R = 660ft Box Girder section Cap beam section
Data Acquisition Traditional – 244 Channels –152 Strain Gages –56 Linear Potentiometers –24 String Potentiometers –12 LVDTs Krypton –50 LEDS Cameras –5 High Resolution Still Cameras –1 High Resolution Video Camera –1 Telepresence Camera Control Instrumentation
Specimen Fabrication
Small Scale Specimen Validation
Finite Element Analysis Z Y X Z Y X Z Y X
Loading on Structure Sequence of Imposed Records –Level 1 (cracking) –Level 2 (yielding) –Level 3 (design level) –Level 4 (failure)
Hybrid Simulation Computational component {u} {F} Measure forces Simulation Coordinator Experimental componentFzMy My Fy Fx Mx Target Disp. Measured forces Calc Forces
EOT Efforts Creation of Modular Videos Shear-Torsion Interaction selected as test case Portal to Access Videos, Data, and Activities Education Outreach and Training –K-12 –Freshmen Level –Senior/Grad Level –Researchers –Practitioners
Experimental Test Case Tests on 5 small piers Test No. Shear Component (%) Torsional Component (%)
Experimental Results
Displaying Response
Interaction Effects
Video Production Sequence Script written over several iterations –Detailed subsections –Detailed directions for video editing Visual components –Test videos created in Matlab –Powerpoint images and animations –CAD drawings –Internet images Review and voice over by professional speaker Video created in Adobe Premiere in 1080p Steps
Video Production Sequence Matlab-Generated Video
Video Production Sequence Video Created in Adobe Premiere
Online Portal
Potential Framework NEES researchers create first draft of video scripts and images, animations, and clips and then submit to NEEScomm for review and comments NEEScomm arranges for voice over and produces videos Learning modules formed from videos and test data Videos, metadata, and activities are provided in the Portal format
Next Steps Continue iterations to refine current video; produce video components for reaching a variety of audiences Create teaching module(s) with video segments and access to structural details and test data Revise and update interface of Portal Explore frameworks for creating videos/modules: Listen and respond to feedback
Closure "In the examination of physical problems I begin by making a few experiments, because it is my desire to state the problem after I have had the experience of it... we must commence with experience, and strive by means of it to discover truth.“ Leonardo da Vinci 1452 – 1519 Questions?