Note: I’m not entirely sure what career I will study for yet. What I do know is that I want to have a career in the medical field.
How is math used in medicine? Math and Medicine go hand in hand For example when doctors prescribe medication they must figure out the math to make sure they are not giving you too much or too little or of a medication. Math is used in the reading of X-rays and they use dimensions. They use ratios and proportions. They use measurement
How does this apply?? When a doctor is going to prescribe a medications they have to be sure of the amount. To find how much medication to prescribe a patient they need to be able to convert. -A doctor will determine this using the weight of the patient. And since the weight of a patient is usually determined in pounds they will have to convert the weight from pounds to kilograms. Then determine the amount of milligrams that should be prescribed to the patient. 1 Pound = Kilograms
A doctor will use math in reading an X-ray. They use dimensions. The way that this works is that a doctor will use 3 dimensional calculations on 2 dimensional X-rays. By doing this they would be able to see inside body organs for example the brain. A nurse uses rations and proportions, not to find the prescription but the dosage. When they attend a patient and give them their needed medicine they set up ratios and proportions of the size of the patient to the dosage. That way they determine how much of the dosage the patients body can handle. It also helps them determine how long the medicine will last until they need more. Measurement is used when a doctor will use the body mass as a measure. Then by this they will determine the risk factors of that person. And make their recommendations. So that person can live longer.
Technology used in Medicine Technology has been a huge contributor to medicine. Its been around for a long time. From a time we had begun to use stiks and stones to when we began to use needles and now the to the newest upgrade were we now use robots to perform surgery.
What I learned and would like to learn. I learned many things though the research. Going into this project I was thinking I would have trouble because I never thought of medicine being involved with math. But know I know what math is used a lot in medicine and health care. What I would like to learn: I found the robot surgery thing really cool but unfortunately I wasn't able to get much detail. So I would like to learn how that works. What interested me about my articles was that they gave me the info I needed and they didn’t make the info so complicated.