Social Construction (of Gender) Diversity Literacy Week 2 / Lecture 1 Prepared by Claire Kelly
1. Gender is “doing” Girls ( Insert: stereotypical girl picture) Pink Flower patterns Barbie Dolls Toy houses and household goods Boys ( Insert: stereotypical boy picture) Blue Camouflage patterns Military toys and cars Playing tough and rough Prepared by Claire Kelly
1. Gender is “doing” We are born sexed, not gendered “Doing” gender can shape biology “Doing” gender is inscribed on our bodies Gender is “doing” difference Gender is ascribed and achieved Gender has a material base, rendered in social and cultural practice Prepared by Claire Kelly
2. Gender is normalised Gender is so obvious, we don't notice it until it is “disrupted”: Third gender (Blackwood) – Institutionalised Transgendered/transsexual people – not institutionalised Implications for sexuality Prepared by Claire Kelly
“Third” Gender Insert articles/headline on the “third” gender recognized by the census of Nepal & India 31/world/nepal.census.gender_1_gender-identity- citizenship-first-openly-gay-lawmaker?_s=PM:WORLD 31/world/nepal.census.gender_1_gender-identity- citizenship-first-openly-gay-lawmaker?_s=PM:WORLD census-includes-category-for-third-gender/ census-includes-category-for-third-gender/ Prepared by Claire Kelly
3. Gender is positioning Gender is about more than the individual, it is about the social institution “Cult of the individual” – difficult to think of ourselves as positioned Subjectivity Individuals are not passive in these social structures, we challenge them or we rearticulate them (remember the moving train?) Prepared by Claire Kelly
4. Gender can be bent What does “ gender bending ” tell us about gender? Shows us that boundaries : exist contain gender are breachable are social Insert: Picture of someone “bending gender” like a drag queen or king or cross dresser Prepared by Claire Kelly
5. Gender as process, stratification and structure Process – doing, creates difference Stratification – e.g. gendering of jobs nurse vs. doctor Structure – division of labour, devaluing of “feminine” labour Prepared by Claire Kelly
Social Construction of Difference “… is produced and maintained by identifiable social processes and built into the general social structure and individual identities deliberately and purposefully” (Lorber, p. 35) “The paradox of human nature is that it is always a manifestation of cultural meanings, social relationships and power politics” (Lorber, p. 35) “For humans, the social is natural ” (Lorber, p. 36) Prepared by Claire Kelly