BELLWORK 1.Describe the Byzantine Empire. 2.Who fought in the Crusades? 3.What was the purpose of the Crusades? 4.What was the outcome of the First Crusade? 5.What was the outcome of the Third Crusade? 6.THINKER: Are there any modern day conflicts that are fought over religion, like the Crusades?
Effects of the Crusades Even though the Crusades caused a lot of political and religious turmoil, there were some benefits. The after-effects of the Crusades dramatically changed culture in Europe and Asia. There were new methods of trade, technology, and fighting that spread throughout the world. All of these changes would have never been possible without the Crusades! We will read pg. 146 as a class and discuss the main effects of the Crusades. Answer the questions at the bottom of page 3 in your Crusades packet.
Nursery Rhymes Nursery Rhymes were the earliest political cartoons. At the time, it was extremely dangerous to criticize the government, so people disguised their feelings with nursery rhymes. We are going to read three of the most popular nursery rhymes and learn what they really mean.
The Bubonic Plague The Bubonic Plague, also known as The Black Plague or The Black Death spread throughout Europe between The Black Plague was one of the most devastating pandemics in history: –Killed 1/3 of the population in Europe and Asia –Reduced the world’s population from 450 million to 350 million by –It took 150 years for Europe’s population to recover Started in East Asia (China) and spread west throughout Europe
Spread of the Black Plague in Europe
The Bubonic Plague Symptoms started with the appearance of boils in the neck and armpits, which oozed pus and blood when opened. Followed by a severe fever and vomiting of blood Body would be covered with black spots and rashes Sometimes it infected the lungs and caused respiratory problems. Most victims died within 2-7 days after infection.
A scene showing plague- infected monks being blessed by a priest. England
Some countries chose to burn infected people in groups.
The Black Plague: Fact and Fiction During the Medieval Ages, medicine was not advanced and there was no cure for diseases. Since no one knew exactly what caused the plague, many stories were developed to explain how the plague started. These stories included Jews poisoning water, storms raining animals, aliens, and gods. We are now going to read an article that explains the history of the Plague and it’s actual causes. Pay attention as we read – there will be an assignment after!
Writing Assignment – Black Plague Letter You were traveling through Turkey when……… O NO……. YOU CAUGHT THE PLAGUE!!! You only have about 4 days to live, so you must write a letter to your family in Europe explaining the following: –What caused the plague –How/Where the plague spread –Symptoms of the plague Your letter must be from the viewpoint of a plague victim in 1360! Get into character! The more descriptive and creative your letter, the better! This is worth 20 points and will be your homework tonight!