The Early Middle Ages. The beginning of the Early Middle Ages Decline of trade, town-life, learning Law and order fell with governments Christian/Catholic.


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Presentation transcript:

The Early Middle Ages

The beginning of the Early Middle Ages Decline of trade, town-life, learning Law and order fell with governments Christian/Catholic Church gives Europe unity

Charlemagne Frank ruler in 800’s Unites much of Europe –Spread new medieval culture The Empire falls –Vikings, Muslims, Magyars cause disorder –People turn to lords for protection

Feudalism and Manorialism Feudalism- system of govt. and landowning –Exchange of military aid for land by greater lords –Vassal- noble who received land –Peasants/serfs- farmed land for protection Manor- basic economic unit –Self-sufficient

New Forces in Medieval Europe

Agricultural changes of 11 th and 12 th century New land New inventions Results: –Larger population demanding new goods –Towns develop- middle class emerges –Middle class takes part in govt.

Effects of national unification Towns strengthen monarchs –Lords lose power Magna Carta (England 1066) –Limited monarchy created- power checked France united slowly –Absolute monarchy- ruler has total power

Catholic Church and National Unity Pope’s power delays unification- disputes with Holy Roman Emperor Church’s problem of the 900’s –Monarchs control churches, monasteries –Corruption, disunity- people turn to new religions –Heresy battled (holding beliefs church considers wrong) –Inquisition in Spain

Crusades 1095 Purpose: Pope Urban II encourages crusade to save the Holy Land from the Turks Outcome: Crusades failed Results: –Reduction of prestige of popes –Feudalism weakened –Monarchs power increases –Trade between Europe and East stimulated

Europe in the Late Medieval Ages

A Learning Revival Causes: –Growing trade –Growing town-life –Contact with Byzantine and Muslim Civs. –Middle Class- schools and universities open

Art Religious in theme Cathedrals- main art form

A Learning Revival Church and its doctrine (Bible based) relied on Thomas Aquinas- reason used to defend Christian teaching

End of the Middle Ages Changes occur in Europe –Famine and plague –Political unrest –Prolonged warfare Monarchs grow in importance Reform urged for church Growth of towns and middle class

Church Crisis in the Middle Ages

Boniface VIII 1296 Bull issued- Kings not tax clergy –Why? Stop Philip the Fair (IV) from taxing –Not successful bull ignored

Boniface VIII 1302 Unam Sanctam- spiritual over temporal (pope more powerful than kings) –Response- Philip tries to kidnap Pope –**Last time popes force obedience

Philip IV Takes Action 1305 Philip influences College of Cardinals –French Pope Clement V elected –Clement moves papacy to Avignon (67 yrs) –Babylonian Captivity- Italians, Germans, English believe Pope was French kings toy

Great Schism 1378 Pope Gregory XI dies while in Italy –College of Cardinals chooses Italian Pope Urban VI –Papacy moves back to Rome French elect own Pope Clement VII popes –Church greatly divided

Great Schism Ends Huss & Wycliffe criticize church 1414 Council of Constance –3 popes = Avignon, Roman, one elected by the council HRE forces all to resign –New pope- Martin V Shadow cast on pope’s authority