The American Nation In the Modern Era 4/23/2017 Chapter 1 THE NEW NATION Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Section 2: The English Colonies Section 3: Independence! Section 4: Founding the Nation CHAPTER 1--THE NEW NATION
Objectives: Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement How did early Native American culture groups develop? What effects did trade and exploration have on societies in Asia, Africa, and Europe? In what ways did Spanish conquerors gain land in Central and South America? How did Spain develop a colonial empire in North America?
Early Native American culture groups Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Early Native American culture groups developed agriculture domesticated animals created a number system and used a written language built cities, some with canal systems distinct regional cultures in spread-out areas
Effects of trade and exploration on Asia Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Effects of trade and exploration on Asia China was opened to the West, and it became largest empire in the world. Islam was spread. Technology such as paper and printing was spread.
Effects trade and exploration on Africa Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Effects trade and exploration on Africa Wealth and power was brought to city-states and kingdoms. Islam was spread.
Effects trade and exploration on Europe Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Effects trade and exploration on Europe The Crusades opened new trade routes. The Renaissance was stimulated, and it brought new ideas and knowledge.
The Spanish conquest Section 1: Early Exploration and Settlement Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492. Cortés conquered the Aztec in 1519. Pizarro attacked the Inca in 1532. By 1780, the Spanish colonial empire was the largest in the world.