Conflict & War
The Crusades Holy Wars for Jerusalem 1 st Crusade: Pope Urban—“God wills it!” 2 nd Crusade: Falls to Muslims 3 rd Crusade: Richard the Lionheart & Saladin, City opens to Pilgrims 4 th Crusade: Christians fighting Christians in Constantinople, Muslims attack Crusaders Capture Jerusalem
Effects of the Crusades Expanded economy & culture More power to Kings & Popes Exploration Reconquista: –Christians v. Muslims in Spain –Ferdinand and Isabella –Inquisition — “crusade” against Muslims and Jews, religious unity
Revival of Learning & Culture of the Middle Ages The High Middle Ages
Universities Need better educated priests 5am-5pm Women didn’t attend Degree takes 12 years Christine de Pisan: The City of Ladies
Scholasticism Christianity could be proved with logical argument Influenced by Aristotle Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica Combined Greek and Christian thought Debated issues
Literature Hero Epic-El Cid Romances: Song of Roland (Charlemagne) King Arthur The Canterbury Tales Shows Medieval life Vernacular: everyday language
Architecture Gothic Style: Tall spires & Tall Windows Flying Buttress Reaching towards Heaven, City of God Romanesque
Art Illumination—decoration of books or manuscripts Book of Kells Dublin, Ireland
Tapestries Functional art Medieval documents Bayeux Tapestry—William the Conqueror
Crisis! The Late Middle Ages
The Black Death Fatal disease that spreads thru Europe 1/3 of population killed Terror among people Economic downturn
Church Western Schism –Two popes –Rome v. Avignon
Church Wycliffe & Hus call for reform –Frustrated over corruption –Bible > Church –Bible in English
100 Years’ War France v. England Economic and land Early Eng. Victories –Battle of Agincourt & Henry V –Better Weapons: Longbow Joan of Arc Increase in military, trade, kings’ power