Portugal Cristina and Najet
Portugal geographic location This is the Portugal’s geographic situation in Europe. Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. Portugal limites with Spain.
Currency It was the unit of currency of Portugal from around 1430 until 1911. This is currency of Portugal from 1911 until 2000. This is actual currency of portugal from 2000 until 2011.
Typical dish This dish is typical of Portugal. Portuguese cuisine is characterized by rich filling and full-flavored dishes and it is closely related to Mediterranean cuisine.
Flag The flag of Portugal is a rectangular bicolor flag with a field unevenly divided into green and red.
Natural and national parks Peneda-Geres National Park Montesinho Natural parck North Coast Natural Park
Predators and tree species wolf lynx
Tree species Pedunculate Oak Sessile Oak Pinaster
Tourist Atraccions Monastery batalha Tower betlem Business square
Sport of Portugal This is the football team of Portugal.
Famous PEOPLE in portugal Cristiano Ronaldo was born in Portugal but now he is a famous player for Real Madrid.
bibliography Portugal geographic location http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitxer:EU-Portugal_with_islands_circled.svg Curency Typical dish http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitxer:Bacalhoada.jpg Flag http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitxer:Flag_of_Portugal.svg Naturals and national parks http://www.manorhouses.com/parks/northcoast.html
Predators and tree species Predators: http://naturlink.sapo.pt/article.aspx?menuid=2&cid=14998&bl=1 http://www.naturahoy.com/etiquetas/lince?page=1 Tree species: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quercus_petraea http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quercus_robur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maritime_Pine Tourist atracctions http://www.verpaises.com/fotos/portugal/torre-belem.jpg http://www.escapadasfindesemana.net/escapadas-a-lisboa-ii-%C2%BFque-visitar-la-baixa-y-la-ruta-del-tranvia/ http://www.verpaises.com/fotos/portugal/monasterio-batalha.jpg
Sport of Portugal. http://delateve.blogspot.com/2010/06/sudafrica-2010-en-vivo-costa-de-marfil.html Famous people in Portugal. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:Cristiano_Ronaldo_in_Real_Madrid_2.jpg