Universal Lexicon Ethan Byler Luke Johnston Dhruv Lamba Andy Robison
Revised Success Criteria 1)An ability to display a languages’ characters as a keyboard layout on an LCD screen. 2)An ability to change the language displayed on the keyboard by selecting a new language on a touch-screen menu. 3)An ability to receive and decode a key press as a meaningful character. 4)An ability to send and display a language’s characters on a host PC through a PS/2 interface. 5)An ability to load languages from an SD card.
Block Diagram
Major Design Constraints Number of I/O pins on the microcontroller Memory space on micro for embedded C libraries and character look-up tables Total cost should be less than similar products (Maximus ~ $2000) Availability of IP for VGA controller
Micro Selection Chose Microchip PIC32MX360F512L –Plenty of general purpose IO pins (85) –Plenty of flash (512kB) –Familiar with MIPS architecture –Low cost; few un-needed periphreals Alternatives –PIC32MX360F256L (256kB flash, 85 IO pins) –PIC32MX320F032H (32kB flash, 53 IO pins)
FPGA Selection Chose Altera Cyclone II –Used extensively in ECE437 –Reference design available for VGA controller –Low cost and power Alternatives –Altera Stratix II –Actel ProASIC3 –Xilinx Spartan-3