Malthus Overpopulation EXTREMELY IMPORTANT
Thomas Malthus 1 st to argue that population was increasing faster than the food supply. An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) Malthus argues that: – Population increases geometrically – Food Supply Increases arithmetically
Relationships Malthus argues that THIS would happen: – Today: 1 person = 1 unit of food – 25 years out: 2 persons = 2 units of food – 50 years out: 4 persons = 3 units of food – 75 years out: 8 persons = 4 units of food – 100 years out: 16 persons = 5 units of food Conclusion came after England was 1 st to enter Stage 2 (Industrial Revolution)
Conclusion Malthus concluded that EVERY resource would eventually be strained in EVERY country. However, disease, famine and war could delay this.
Contemporary Malthusians Because of 20 th century population increases many are taking a closer look at Malthus. What Malthus failed to anticipate: – Poor countries with HUGE population booms. (medicine from MDCs, but not wealth) – Gap between resources & population is even wider than he anticipated – Malthus only anticipated food shortage, but we are not also facing shortages of energy another Malthusian problem
Critics He is criticized because the rate of food and resource production is expanding as population expands. Possibilism states that human can choose a course of action that changes the supply of food and resources. Other views: – Large populations could stimulate economic growth – Marx: unfair distribution of resources is because of economic institutions, not population (Engles claimed Malthus’ theory was a trick of capitalism)
What is the reality?