Praise Place “In the beginning God …” Saturday, May 20, 2006 – 7:00 PM.


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Presentation transcript:

Praise Place “In the beginning God …” Saturday, May 20, 2006 – 7:00 PM

Creation Phases 1. Initial Creation of Universe 2. Creation of Life Support and Plants-Animals 3. Forming of Man 5. God Rested (and is still resting) 4. Surgery to Create Woman

“God created the heavens and the earth” – Genesis 1:1 Stars Planets Black Holes Galaxies Energy The Universe Created in Hebrew is “Bara” - Created out of nothing in the distant past; the “Big Bang” theory

“All things were made by Him” Jesus is the Creator – John 1:1-3 Stars Planets Black Holes Galaxies Energy The Universe

“Without Form and Void”  What happened to the earth in Genesis 1:2?  One belief is that Satan and his angels came and wrecked the earth in an attempt to foil God’s plan for man.  The Holy Spirit moved upon the face of the earth. The Hebrew word indicates that He “brooded” over the earth as a hen over her eggs.

Perfect Placement of the Earth  Tilt of Axis – If changed by 1 degree, earth would either freeze or burn up in major sections of earth  Distance from Sun (93 million miles) – If change by 1 million miles, earth would either freeze or burn up in major sections of earth  Elliptical orbit – if changed slightly, earth would freeze and burn up dramatically  Speed of earth’s rotation – if changed could affect movement of water on earth  Distance of Moon – if changed slightly, could affect tides more dramatically

Hebrew Word for Day – “Yom” Possible Meanings 24 Hours Era 1000 Years Eon

Six “Days” of Creation Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 God created Light (Day) and Darkness (Night) God created Firmament of Water Above the Clouds (Heaven) God created bodies of water (Seas), land masses (Earth), grass and trees

Six “Days” of Creation Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 God created greater light “Sun” and lesser light “Moon” as well as other lights (perhaps other planets in Solar System?) God created all types of fish that swim and fowl (birds) that fly God created cattle, creeping things (reptiles) and beasts (dinosaurs?); then created “formed/shaped” man out of dust and woman from Adam’s rib

Creation v. Evolution Comparison CreationEvolutionCE Day 1 Day/Night  Day 2 Firmament  Day 3 Seas, Earth, Grass and Trees Single Cell in Seas, Plants  Day 4 Sun, Moon, Solar System  Day 5 Fish, Fowl Fish became Reptile became Fowl  Day 6 Cattle, Reptiles, Beasts, Man, Woman Animal became Ape became Man 

Seventh Day “Sabbath” – God Rested Possible Meanings 24 HoursNo Morning or Evening Holy Day of Rest Perhaps God is STILL resting

Time Line and Dimensions of God God Created Time for Man and Angels Man and Angels are created and will never die. God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is eternal with no beginning and no end. Eternity Future Revelation 22 Eternity Past Before Genesis 1:1 ALPHA (Α)OMEGA (Ώ)

Dimensions of God  God lives in at least 11 dimensions with at least as 8 in space and 3 in time as proven by particle accelerators in physics  Humans live in 3 dimensions – height, width, depth and 1 in time but only in a single direction).  The Bible talks about at least 2 dimensions of time and 6 dimensions of space.  Angels most likely operate in a 4 th and 5 th dimension but not in 10 dimensions.

Compare 3 Dimensions to 2

Praise Place Our God is an Awesome God …”