What country do you live in? What is the capital of your country? Is your country in America? It is in Asia, isn’t it?
The planet we live on is the Earth. The Earth is round. If you look at the Earth from space you will be able to see land, seas, oceans, continents and even countries. Тhey look very beautiful.
How many continents and oceans are there on the Earth?
The continents are very large. Oceans and seas wash them and separate them from each other.
Country Capital Nationality China Peking Chinese India Delhi Indian Pakistan Pakistany Karachi Japan TokyoJapanese Kazakhstan AstanaKazakh Turkey Turkish Ankara
Country Capital Nationality Great Britain London English France Paris French Germany Berlin German Spain Madrid Spaniard
Country Capital Nationality The USA Washington American Canada Ottawa Canadian Brazile Brazilia Brazilian Chile Santiago Chilian
Country Capital Nationality Egypt Cairo Egyptian Tunisia Rabat Tunisian
Country Capital Nationality Australia Sydney Australian
of China of France of Germany of India of the United States of Russia
nadaca ncerfa ssirua yalti pyget aliusaart snipa tgaer ntiabri nchai namvite ygmenar aidin
Ex.: My name is Nick. I’m from the USA. I’m American. My language is English. Lorance / France Mary / Great Britain Carmen / Spain Ahmad / Egypt Harry / Canada Hans / Germany Van Lee / Vietnam Natasha / Russia
The ________ we live on is the ___________. The Earth is round. There are _________ oceans and ________ continents. The continents are:____________, Asia, _________, Australia, and ______________. _________ consist of of North __________ and South ___________. The ______________ are very large. There are many ________________ on the continents. Each country has its national_________, anthem and its own _____________ and customs.
The planet we live on is the Earth. The Earth is round. There are four oceans and six continents. The continents are:Europe, Asia, America, Australia, and Antarctic. America consist of of North America and South America. The continents are very large. There are many countries on the continents. Each country has its national flag, anthem and its own traditions and customs.
What is the capital of your country? Is your country in America?
Is France in Europe or in Asia? What language is spoken in France?
Is Spain in America or in Europe? What language is spoken in Spain?
Where is it situated? What language is spoken in Germany? What is the capital of Germany?
What is the capital of Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt?
Where is Canada situated? What languages are spoken in Canada? What is the capital of Canada?
How many countries are there in Australia? Has it got the same name as the continent?