Slide 1 1 Gilles OLLIERHead of Sector EUROPEAN COMMISSIONEarth Observation DG RTD 15 September 2006 (Constanta - Romania) Building the Europe of Knowledge 7th Research Framework Programme GEO welcomes FP7
Slide 2 FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – M€ without Euratom FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – M€ without Euratom)
Slide 3 FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – M€ including M€ for JRC) FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – M€ including M€ for JRC) Cooperation including: Environment & Climate including: Environment & Climate Ideas (European Research Council) People (Marie Curie Actions) Capacities including: Infrastructures including: Infrastructures
Slide 4 FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – millions EURO) (Informal Compet. Council, GRAZ, 21/22 April 2006 FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – millions EURO) (Informal Compet. Council, GRAZ, 21/22 April 2006 Cooperation including: Environment & Climate including: Environment & Climate Biotechnology, Food & Agriculture Biotechnology, Food & Agriculture (~32 350) (~1 950?) (~1 900?) Ideas (European Research Council) (~7 450)
Slide 5 FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – millions EURO) (Informal Compet. Council, GRAZ, 21/22 April 2006 FP7 Budget 2007 – 2013 (Commission Proposal – millions EURO) (Informal Compet. Council, GRAZ, 21/22 April 2006 People (Marie Curie Actions) (~ 4 700) Capacities including: Infrastructures including: Infrastructures (~ 4 250) (~1 900?)
Slide 6 Provisional Budget Estimate for FP7 Indicative breakdown on 4th of April In 2013 expenditure is therefore 75% higher than in 2006 In 2013 expenditure is therefore 75% higher than in 2006 current prices: Overall budget ~ 54 billion euro (~ 60% increase compared to FP6) current prices: Overall budget ~ 54 billion euro (~ 60% increase compared to FP6)
Slide 7 9 Themes 1. Health 2. Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology 3. Info. & Communication Technologies 4. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & new Prod. Technologies Prod. Technologies 5. Energy 6. Environment (including Climate Change) 7. Transport (including Aeronautics) 8. Socio-Eco. Sciences & the Humanities 9. Security and Space Cooperation – Collaborative research
Slide 8 3. Information and Communication Technologies 3. Information and Communication Technologies ICT Technology Pillars Integration of Technologies Applications Research Future and Emerging Technologies
Slide 9 FP7 Thematic Area – Information and Communication Technologies Information & Communication Technologies for the Environment. ( Selected text ) Innovative ICT-based services and tools for: Innovative ICT-based services and tools for: implementing and assessing environmental policies implementing and assessing environmental policies modern environmental administrations and civil protection agencies modern environmental administrations and civil protection agencies informing the citizens on the state of the environment informing the citizens on the state of the environment Applied to: Applied to: Disaster risk reduction & safety of the citizens Disaster risk reduction & safety of the citizens Protection of human health & quality of life, including pollution prevention Protection of human health & quality of life, including pollution prevention Sustainable use and management of natural resources, prevention & reduction of waste Sustainable use and management of natural resources, prevention & reduction of waste
Slide Security and Space Protection against terrorism and crime Security of infrastructures and utilities Border security Restoring security in case of crisis Security systems integration and interoperability Security systems integration and interoperability Security and society Security Research Coordination and structuring Security Research Coordination and structuring Space-based applications at the service of the European Society Space-based applications at the service of the European Society Exploration of space RTD for strengthening space foundations RTD for strengthening space foundations
Slide 11 GMES: development of satellite-based monitoring systems and techniques relating to the management of the environment and security and their integration with ground-based, ship-borne and airborne components; support to the use and delivery of GMES data and services. GMES: development of satellite-based monitoring systems and techniques relating to the management of the environment and security and their integration with ground-based, ship-borne and airborne components; support to the use and delivery of GMES data and services. 9. Security and Space (selected example activity relating to Marine S&T) Space: Space-based applications at the service of the European Society
Slide 12 Environment (incl. climate change) Earth Observation and Assessment Tools Sustainable Management of Resources Environmental Technologies Climate Change, Pollution and Risks Environment and health Pressures on environment and climate Natural hazards
Slide 13 Environment and health: Interaction of environmental stressors with human health including identification of sources, links to indoor environment, and impact and emerging risk factors; integrated risk assessment methods for toxic substances including alternatives to animal testing; quantification and cost-benefit analysis of environmental health risks and indicators for prevention strategies. Environment and health: Interaction of environmental stressors with human health including identification of sources, links to indoor environment, and impact and emerging risk factors; integrated risk assessment methods for toxic substances including alternatives to animal testing; quantification and cost-benefit analysis of environmental health risks and indicators for prevention strategies. Climate Change, Pollution and Risks Pressures on environment and climate: Functioning of climate and the earth system; adaptation and mitigation measures; pollution in air, soil and water; changes in atmospheric composition and water cycle; interactions between climate, land surface and the ocean; and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems.
Slide 14 Natural hazards: Improve prediction and integrated hazards- vulnerability - and risks assessments for disasters related to geological hazards (such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis) and climate (such as storms and floods); develop early warning systems and improve prevention and mitigation strategies. Natural hazards: Improve prediction and integrated hazards- vulnerability - and risks assessments for disasters related to geological hazards (such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis) and climate (such as storms and floods); develop early warning systems and improve prevention and mitigation strategies. Climate Change, Pollution and Risks (continued)
Slide 15 Environment (incl. climate change) Earth Observation and Assessment Tools Sustainable Management of Resources Environmental Technologies Climate Change, Pollution and Risks Evolution of marine environments Conservation & sustainable management of natural and man-made resources Conservation & sustainable management of natural and man-made resources
Slide 16 Sustainable Management of Resources Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources: ecosystems; water resources management; waste management and prevention; protection and management of biodiversity, soil protection, seabed and coastal areas protection, approaches against desertification and land degradation; forest management; sustainable management and planning of urban environment, data management and information services; assessment and foresight relating to natural processes.
Slide 17 Evolution of marine environments: Impacts of human activities on the marine environment and its resources; pollution and eutrophication in regional seas and coastal areas; deep sea ecosystems; assessment of marine biodiversity trends, of ecosystem processes and of ocean circulation; seabed geology. Evolution of marine environments: Impacts of human activities on the marine environment and its resources; pollution and eutrophication in regional seas and coastal areas; deep sea ecosystems; assessment of marine biodiversity trends, of ecosystem processes and of ocean circulation; seabed geology. Sustainable Management of Resources
Slide Environment (inc. climate change) Environmental Technologies Earth observation and assessment tools Sustainable Management of Resources Climate change, pollution and risks
Slide 19 Technology assessment, verification and testing: Methods and tools for environmental risk and lifecycle assessment of processes, technologies and products; support for sustainable chemistry, water supply and sanitation Platforms; scientific and technological aspects of a future European environmental technologies verification and testing programme. Technology assessment, verification and testing: Methods and tools for environmental risk and lifecycle assessment of processes, technologies and products; support for sustainable chemistry, water supply and sanitation Platforms; scientific and technological aspects of a future European environmental technologies verification and testing programme. Environmental Technologies Environmental technologies for observation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man-made environment: related to water, climate, air, marine, urban and rural environment, soil, waste treatment, recycling, clean production processes, chemicals safety, protection of cultural heritage and of the built environment.
Slide Environment (inc. climate change) Environmental Technologies Earth observation and assessment tools Sustainable Management of Resources Climate change, pollution and risks
Slide 21 Forecasting methods and assessment tools: modelling links between economy/environment/society including market based instruments, externalities, thresholds and developing the knowledge base and methodologies for sustainability impact assessment on key issues such as land use and marine issues; social and economic tensions related to climate change. Forecasting methods and assessment tools: modelling links between economy/environment/society including market based instruments, externalities, thresholds and developing the knowledge base and methodologies for sustainability impact assessment on key issues such as land use and marine issues; social and economic tensions related to climate change. Earth observation and assessment tools Earth observation: Contribute to the development and integration of observation systems for environmental and sustainability issues in the framework of GEOSS; interoperability between systems and optimisation of information for understanding, modelling and predicating environmental phenomena.
Slide 22 Ideas – Frontier Research Commission ERC – European Research Council * Created by Commission decision * * Under the responsibility of the Commission Preparation of work programme Preparation of work programme Set up of peer review: pool of reviewers, nomination of review panels, evaluation guidelines Set up of peer review: pool of reviewers, nomination of review panels, evaluation guidelines Oversight of the evaluation procedure Oversight of the evaluation procedure Annual scientific report Annual scientific report Information and support to applicants Information and support to applicants Reception / eligibility of proposals Reception / eligibility of proposals Organisation and execution of evaluation Organisation and execution of evaluation Selection decision Selection decision Scientific and financial follow-up of contracts Scientific and financial follow-up of contracts Annual implementation report Annual implementation report Approval of work programme, as defined by the Scientific Council Approval of work programme, as defined by the Scientific Council Instruction to implement work programme Instruction to implement work programme Approval of annual implementation report Approval of annual implementation report Information to programme committee Information to programme committee Scientific Council* Externalised tasks**
Slide 23 Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards Specific actions Excellence awards People – Human Potential
Slide 24 Transnational Access Integrating activities Research e-infrastructures New research infrastructures Design studies Research Infrastructures FP7 Capacities
Slide 25 Environment (incl. climate change) Earth Observation and Assessment Tools Sustainable Management of Resources Environmental Technologies Climate Change, Pollution and Risks
Slide 26 Theme 6: Environment Proposal for the specific program Area: Earth Observation Research activities will be devoted to the development and integration of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) for environment and sustainable development issues in the framework of the GEO initiative… Research activities will be devoted to the development and integration of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) for environment and sustainable development issues in the framework of the GEO initiative…
Slide 27 Earth Observation WP ) Integrating existing European Earth Observation activities in GEO (global level) 2)Developing cross-cutting research activities relevant to GEO 3)Earth Observation activities in emerging areas of research 4)Developing Capacity Building activities in the domain of Earth Observation
Slide 28 Integrating existing European Earth Observation activities in GEO (global level) Monitoring of the carbon cycle at global level – cooperation with existing international initiatives (Coordination action) Monitoring of the carbon cycle at global level – cooperation with existing international initiatives (Coordination action) Contribution to a global biodiversity observation system – relying on GBIF and existing EU projects (Collaborative project) Contribution to a global biodiversity observation system – relying on GBIF and existing EU projects (Collaborative project)
Slide 29 Developing cross-cutting research activities relevant to GEO Improving collaboration between European national earth observation programs (ERA-NET) (Coordination action or support specific action) Improving collaboration between European national earth observation programs (ERA-NET) (Coordination action or support specific action) Contribution to the development of a worldwide network of in-situ observatories for seismogenic hazards Contribution to the development of a worldwide network of in-situ observatories for seismogenic hazards
Slide 30 Earth Observation activities in emerging areas (new earth observation systems) Application of Earth Observation to environmental and health issues (Coordination action or support specific action) Application of Earth Observation to environmental and health issues (Coordination action or support specific action) Monitoring/observing the ocean interior, seafloor, and subseafloor (Coordination action or small Collaborative project) Monitoring/observing the ocean interior, seafloor, and subseafloor (Coordination action or small Collaborative project) Contribution to the development of a Global Soil Observing System (Collaborative project) Contribution to the development of a Global Soil Observing System (Collaborative project)
Slide 31 Developing Capacity Building activities in the domain of Earth Observation (developing countries) Geo-resource information system for Africa (groundwater, raw material, energy, mineral resources) (Specific Support action) Geo-resource information system for Africa (groundwater, raw material, energy, mineral resources) (Specific Support action) Improving observing systems for water resource management – collaboration with participants from developing countries (Collaborative project) Improving observing systems for water resource management – collaboration with participants from developing countries (Collaborative project) GEONETCcast applications for developing countries (Specific Support Action) GEONETCcast applications for developing countries (Specific Support Action)
Slide 32 FP7 Timetable