UNDERSTANDING THE CREATION The Third Day Seas, Land & Vegetation Created
Today let’s attempt to understand: Conditions for life on earth – sea, land Vegetation varieties Vegetables benefits The living cell Some extremes in vegetation The concept of “kinds”
Genesis 1:9-13 And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered in one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning – the third day.
The Land 29% of the Earth’s Surface Asia 17 Africa 12 North America 9 South America 7 Antarctica 5 Europe 4 Australia/Oceana 3 Total = 57 million square miles
The Seas 71% of the Earth’s Surface Millions of square mi. Pacific Ocean 60 Atlantic Ocean 30 Indian Ocean 26 Antarctic Ocean 8 Arctic Ocean 5 Landlocked Seas 11 Total = 140 millions of square miles
Importance of plants to humans (258,000+ species created) As food Non-Food Products Medicinal Drugs Aesthetic Uses Scientific Uses Cultural Uses Just for their Beauty Others ?
Vegetables Specifically Created For Our Benefit Fruits for our stomachs Colorful are best: - Green - Red - Yellow - Orange - White
Trees are so different! Giant sequoia in California -
The Oldest Tree on Earth Great Basin Bristlecone Tree More than 4,600 years old It is also called the “Methuselah Tree” Genesis 5:27 says Methuselah lived 969 years God has much to say
Lush Vegetation on the Earth New plants are still being discovered Giant meat-eating pitcher plant “Nepenthes Attenboroughii” Now where did that come from?
The Complexity of the Living Cell Each a very sophisticated complex machine Molecules and millions of atoms with jobs to do Nucleus houses chromosomes, genes, and DNA
The Complexity of Purposefully Designed Relationships Symbiotic Relationships Moth & Yucca Plant Moth fertilizes Yucca Lays eggs in Yucca flower Developing seeds are food for the new larvae of the moth
Shedding some light on “Kinds” “According to Kinds” mentioned in Genesis 258,000 species (Kinds) of blooming plants instantly came into being Definition: “A group related by common traits or interests –”
Number of Chromosomes in Living Organisms 2 Jack Jumper Ant 46 Human 6 Mosquito 48 Gorilla. 12 Slime Mold 62 Giraffe 13 Barley 78 Domestic Dog 18 Cabbage 78 Wolf 22 Bean 78 Coyote 24 Snail 78 American Wild Dog 38 Lion 92 Crab-eating Rat 38 Tiger 92 Aquatic Rat 38 Cat 104 Carp 42 Rat 43 Dolphin
Wolves, Coyotes and Domestic Dogs Species: Canus Lupis Sub-Species: Domestic Dog – Canus Lupis Familiaris Arctic Wolf – Canus Lupis Arctos Coyote – Canus Latrans All contain 78 chromosomes Coyote + Domestic Dog = “coy-dog”
Lions and Tigers Species: Lion - Leo Tiger – Tiger Each contain 38 chromosomes Male lion + female tiger = “liger” Male tiger + female lion = “tigon”
Humans and Gorillas There are many species and sub-species for Gorillas, 48 chromosomes There is only one species for Man, Homo-Sapiens, 46 chromosomes No crossbreeding!
A Final Summary Here Questions: Why was land divided from the sea before the creation of the vegetation? What’s the distance in elevation between the highest place to the lowest on Earth? What are some of the benefits of vegetation? What kinds of vegetables are best for you? What have you learned that astonishes you the most?
“O Lord how manifold are Your works! In wisdom you have made them all! The Earth is full of Your possessions.” Psalm 104:24