Chaos GaiaTartarus ErosNyxErebus Typhon Uranus Ourea (Mountains) Pontus Aether MomosPonos Moros ThanatosHypnos The Hesperides The Keres & The Moiria Nemesis Apate Philotes Geras Eris Hemera
Chaos First thing that ever existed (Origin of everything) Roman name- Aer God of The Nothingness from Which All Else Sprang Dwell between heaven and earth Children: Ouranos, Ananke, Gaia, Nyx, Eros, and Erbos
Gaia (Gaea) Born from Chaos, the great void of emptiness within the universe. Roman Name: Terra Female Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess. Gaia alone gave birth to Uranus, the sky. Uranus became Gaia husband.
Aether Origin- Erebus and Nyx were the parents of Aether Roman Name- Ether He is the god of Light, and Bright Upper Air of the Gods He is the son of Erebus
Ananke Origin-Hydros and Gaia Roman Name- Necessitas She is the goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity She was entwined with Khronos as the cosmic-circling forces of fate and time- driving the rotation of the heavens and the never ending passage of time
Apate Real Name: Απατη Female APATE was the god of spirit (daimona) of deceit, guile, fraud and deception. She was also a FRIEND of Pseudologoi (Lies). PARENTS: NYX, EREBOS
Geras: god of old age Mother: Nyx (night) Father: Erebos Roma name: Senectus Dwells in Olympus
Erebus -Born out if the primeval void, Chaos -Roman name- Erebus -God of darkness -Lives in the unknowable place where death dwells -Brother of Gaea, Tartarus, Eros, Nyx, father of Aether, Hemera, Hypnos, Moirai, Geras, Thanatos
Grife, The Hesperides Nymphs Female goddesses Goddesses of the night and golden light of sunset Northern edge of the world Guarded Zeus's golden apples
Hemera Goddess of the Day Daughter of Erebus (darkness) and Nyx (night) Roman name was Dies Goddess of the day, resided in Tartarus Sister-wife of Aether, mother of Thalassa, Gaia, and Ouranos
Hydros Origin: son of Chaos, emerged at creation with Thesis and Mud Roman Name: Hydrus, and is male Protogenos of fresh water, and dwells in the seas Relationships with Gods: Combined with Gaia(Earth) and created Kronos, Ananke, and Phanes
Pontus Origin: Primordial or primeval deities and he is the sea in Roman/Greek Myhology Was the first God of the Sea Roman Name: Pontos God of the Sea A male God who is often seen as middle aged with a beard and lives in the sea Important relationships: His mother was Gaia (Earth Goddess) Father Unknown: often said Gaia created him on her own Fathered: Nereus, Thaumas, Phorcys, Ceto, Eurybia with Gaia Fathered all sea life
The Keres Origin: Daughters of Nyx and Erebos Also known as Tenebrae or Ker Death Spirits that hovered over battlefields and believed to have been trapped in Pandora’s jar. Agents of the Fates, Moros, Nemesis, and other deities Had a hunger for blood and some were the personification of epidemic diseases.
Nemesis Daughter of Oceanus or Zeus, but according to Hesiod she was a child of Erebus and Nyx Female the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods) Dwelled in Rhamnous Another name was Adrasteia, meaning "the inescapable.“
Leighton-Hypnos Origin: His mother Nyx, the goddess of night Roman name: Somnus God of sleep, dwells in a cave, where his mansion does not see the rising or setting sun, or the light of noon. Symbol: poppy Consort: Pasithea, one of the three graces. Siblings: Thanatos, Morpheus, Phobetor, and Phantasos.
Momus Origin: Son of Nyx (goddess of night) Roman Name: Querella Male God of mistakes, mockery, ad complaints Was kicked out of Olympus for making fun of Zeus Twin of Oizys (goddess of misery) His mom was also basically everyone else’s mom- lots of sibling rivalry (he has 20+ siblings) Wrote “Kronos is wise” on the walls Mocked Hephaestus for not putting doors to the soul on the human breast Probably had a huge crush on Aphrodite- only told her that she was talkative and had creaky sandals
Moros Origin: Greek, son of Erebus ( God of Darkness) and Nyx ( the dark Goddess of Night). Roman Name: Fatum, Male Moros is the God of Impeding Doom. Moros dwells in the underworld, where he personified another aspect of the dark side of a mortal's life and possible form of death. Fun Facts: Moros is featured in the ancient myth relating to he legend of Pandora’s Box. The siblings of Moros were all death spirits.
Moyer-Thesis Origin: Child of Chaos, and emerged with Hydros Roman Name: (Couldn’t find one) Female Primordial Goddess of Creation Dwelling Place: (Couldn’t find one) Relation to other Gods: Emerged with Hydros, Devoured By Zeus
Tartarus Born from primordial void Deep abyss of torment and suffering Thought to be a place and a deity Further away from hades or hell than the earth is to the heavens. Brother of Gaea, Eros Erebus and Nyx. Used as a prison of punishment for the most evil criminals
Ourea Origin: Greek/Roman Creation. Roman Name: Mons, Montanus Numina Montanum. God. Ourea is the God of Mountains. Every mountain is told have their own ancient bearded god. Ourea dwells in the mountain peaks of each mountain. Ourea has no father but his mother is Gaea. The names of Ourea`s mountains are: Aitna Athos Helikon Kithairon Nysos Olympos 1 Olympos 2 Oreios Parnes Tmolos
Thanatos daemonic representation of death He was the son of Nyx (the Night) and Erebos (the Darkness) his twin brother was Hypnos (the Sleep) Male, roman name is Mors Means "death" in Greek. This was the name of the Greek god of death who resided with Hades in the underworld
Nem, The Moirai A group of goddesses who assigned each person their fate The romans called the goddesses Parcae Zeus Moiragetes, the god of fate, was the leader of the Moirai Each of the goddesses had a task: Klotho would spin the thread of life, Lakhesis would measure the thread of life, and Atropos (or Aisa) would cut the thread of life They dwelled on the snowy peaks of Olympos
Typhon Most feared god and monster, Was said to be tall enough to touch the stars and wide enough to reach the east and west Father was Gaia(The Earth) and mother was Tartarus, a violent and bottomless storm pit Typhon was a male and has no roman name He was the god of devastating storm winds and dwelled in the dark nether realm He was told to destroy Zeus by his mother but was defeated
Uranus Uranus – Male gender Roman name is Caelus God of the sky Dwells in the sky Father of the titans, Born by Gaea alone.
Eris Daughter of Nyx Roman Name- Discordia She is the goddess of strife, discord, contention and rivalry She was closely identified with the war goddess Enyo. She was the only one not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis.
Erebus One of the first five beings to exist in Greek Mythology, the son of Chaos Name is the same in Greek and Roman myths God of darkness, and is sometimes used interchangeably with Tartarus as a name for the Greek afterlife. He married his sister Nyx and fathered many children, including Hypnos, Geras, Charon, Thanatos, Nemesis, the Hesperides, Hemera, and more.
Philotes Daughter of Nyx Greek name: Φιλότης Belongs to deities of love, minor Greek goddess Philotes is also a genus of blue butterflies