Necessary for Democracy or Antiquated System?
What is the point? Constitution – debate over commoners selecting the leader Safeguard against ignorance – there is a way to change it if the people “mess up” Helps small states – review the math Helps rural areas – cities can’t control everything, small towns get attention
How it works Each party picks their list of electors at a party convention (party supporters, people with ties to candidate) In general election citizens cast ballots for candidate (some states list electors) Winner gets all electoral votes for state (except ME & NE) Electors NOT bound by Constitution to vote for winning candidate, but some states have laws. NJ does not.
How It Works Electoral votes = # of Members in House and Senate (NJ has 15). Votes get reapportioned every 10 years after census Total of 538 – 270 to win (majority) Electors cast ballots to officially elect president If no majority, it goes to Congress to decide
Do the Math California population 34 million electoral votes 55 people per vote 618,182 Alaska population 627,000 electoral votes 3 people per vote 209,000 Each vote in Alaska represents 3 times as many people! People in states with small populations have more “electoral power” per person.
Problems 1800 – Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in E.C.; Jefferson won in Congress, Burr became VP 1824 – Jackson won popular, no majority in E.C., Adams selected by Congress 1876 – Tilden won popular, no majority in E.C., Congress elected Hayes in a deal 1888 – Cleveland won popular, Harrison won E.C – Gore won popular, Bush won E.C.
What do you think? Are the arguments for the electoral college still valid? Explain Do you think it is outdated or necessary? Why? Is it easy to “fix” the system? Why or why not?
Electoral Maps