Lesson Objective: To be able to use facts, Muslim opinion and video clips to develop an understanding of the Islamic view on homosexuality
Lesson Outcomes Grade C: will be able to use the true or false exercise to be able to understand the Muslim view on homosexuality. Grade B: will be able to use a video clip to identify and explain how Muslims believe homosexual people should be treated. Grade A: will be able to use Syed and Christian’s scenario to reflect on and evaluate the Muslim and Christian teachings of homosexuality
Starter: Brainstorm 3 ideas; What do you think the Islamic perspective is on homosexuality? (agree, disagree) Use what you already know about Islam
Statements On the worksheet (booklet p20) are seven statements that reflect the Islamic view on homosexuality Use the worksheet and decide with your partner what you think is: the true statement (t) We will then feedback to see what you thought
1. Under Shariah Law it is punishable by: A. Shaving head B. Life imprisonment C. Death True or False:
2. In Islam homosexuality is seen as a challenge to: A. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) B. Muslims laws about masculinity and femininity C. The World True or False:
3. Homosexuality in Islam is seen as: A. A grave sin B. OK if done in private C. Accepted by all True or False:
4. Most Muslims A. Accept homosexuality B. Do not accept homosexuality C. Have mixed opinions about it True or False:
5. Homosexuality is thought to be harmful to: A. Children growing up B. The health of Muslims C. The brain True or False:
6. Islam believes that humans are not homosexuals by nature. Homosexuality is due to: A. What your parents teach you B. The TV programmes and films you watch C. A choice that you make for yourself True or False:
7. In Islam homosexuality is only regarded as a sin: A. If men don’t wear traditional clothes B. If men act upon their homosexual feelings C. If you decide to live together as well True or False:
Reflection TASK: In the front of your books summarise using the information we have just found out.. The Islamic opinion on homosexuality (use an example to support your answer)
GRADE C: will be able to use the true or false exercise to be able to understand the Muslim view on homosexuality
Black and White In Islam homosexuality is forbidden. That is it, there is no two ways about it. This is the Islamic ruling BUT we need to find out about how Muslims treat those who are homosexual...
Traditional Islamic opinion, as with Christianity and Judaism, says sex should be between a husband and wife and disapproves of anything that falls outside those boundaries. but that does not mean treating those who are gay/lesbian in a different way Muslim attitudes towards Homosexuality
Video clip: Watch the clip THINK about what Tariq Ramadan is saying about how Muslims should treat those who are homosexual? WjxkZB3w&feature=related WjxkZB3w&feature=related Muslim attitudes towards homosexuality
His view is…..
GRADE B: will be able to use a video clip to identify and explain Muslim attitudes towards homosexuality.
Discussion in the Media To pretend that homosexuality does not exist within the Muslim community in Britain is misleading. The issue was raised on the BBC soap opera “Eastenders”
Syed and Masood Watch the clip carefully then discuss the following questions with your partner… How do Syed and Masood see the issue differently? Who do you think is right and why?
Now in the front of your books explain: How would a Muslim respond to their situation? Would they say it is wrong/right? What advice would they give? Now what about a Christian. How would they respond?
GRADE A: will be able to use Syed and Christian’s scenario to reflect on and evaluate the Muslim and Christian teachings of homosexuality
Using the work we have done today, attempt Q1 and Q2 on p33 of your Revision Workbook. Con-sol-i-date!!!!!!
Plenary: Tell me 3 things On the Post-IT 1)What you have learnt today 2) What you would like to find out more about 3) What you know now that you didn’t know 1 hour ago