Energy Conservation Chapter 5 Section 4
Ways to Conserve Energy Preserve Increase the efficiency of our fuel Making it work better. (more bang for your buck!) Conserve Use less energy
Energy Efficiency Efficiency is the percentage of energy that is actually used to perform work. Whatever is not used to do work, is energy that is lost.
Heating & Cooling Insulation is a layer that helps block the transfer of heat. Keeps things warm. (like putting hot tea into a thermos) Insulation in buildings are usually made of fiberglass. 15 cm fiberglass works as well as a 2 m brick wall. In the Greenburg, Kansas video, they used ICF (insulated concrete forms) as a green alternative.
Fiberglass Insulation Insulated Concrete Forms
Lighting If you have an incandescent light bulb, only 10% of the energy it uses becomes light. The rest of the energy is wasted (the heat you feel)
Fluorescent Bulbs Fluorescent bulbs use 1/4 the energy that incandescent bulbs do AND create just as much light.
Transportation Conservation Car makers have made vehicles more efficient by creating better engines that have better milage. Another way that we can use fuel more efficiently is to carpool and use public transportation.
Conserving Energy Energy conservation is reducing the amount of energy we use. One way that we can conserve energy is by walking to the store, instead of driving. Another way, is to use natural light, instead of turning on the lights. What are some other ways we can conserve energy?