Getting Ready: Addition and Subtraction Concepts by: Nicole Lamons
Fact Family A fact family is a set of related addition and subtraction facts. 5+7=12 7+5=12 12-7=5 12-5=7
Inverse Operations Fact Families are examples of inverse operations. Inverse operations are operations that undo each other, such as addition and subtraction. 4+7=11 7+4=11 11-7=4 11-4=7
Order Property of Addition You can add two or more numbers in the same order and get the same sum. 7+4=11 4+7=11 6+11=17 11+6=17 =
Identity Property of Addition When you add zero to a number, the sum is that number 12+0=12 11+0=11 9+0=9 30+0=30
Grouping Property of Addition You can group addends in different ways and still get the same sum The ( ) symbols tell you which numbers to add first Remember to add the numbers in ( ) first (9+1) + 4= 9 + (1+4) 10 + 4=9 + 5 14 =14 8 + (1 +9)= 8 + 10 = 18
In Summary We have completed our study on chapter 1. We have learned all about fact families, inverse operations, order property of addition, identity property of addition, and the grouping property of addition. Now let’s review what we learned. Turn to page 14 for extra practice.