Managing Reconfiguration, Delivering Change Alex Linkston Chief Executive
Library Services – Supporting Communities ‘Books on Prescription’ Health Information Points Homebound Outreach Services Bookstart with Surestart PC taster sessions
Blackburn Connected Unique Service in West Lothian Integration of CIS and Library Services Community Engagement and Involvement Community Facility
Regenerating Communities - Context 14 datazones in the most deprived 15% in Scotland – remain differences in health, prosperity, education and overall quality of life Benefit Culture – 17,500 currently receiving out of work benefit (16.7% of working age population compared to 17.4% in Scotland) High level of More Choices More Chances group in Scotland – 19.6% of school leavers unemployed or destination not known compared to 13.6% in Scotland as a whole Health Inequalities
Regenerating Communities - Structure Plan 24,000 new homes before 2020 50% in New Communities Infrastructure near capacity – unique in Scotland
Regenerating Communities – Integrating Services High levels of health deprivation and benefit dependency Provide comprehensive range of health, well-being and leisure services Improved access to integrated health, social, fitness and employment information services
Facilities include 2 GP Practices, Dental Practice, Community Health, CIS and Library, Community/Youth Room, Pharmacy, Police, Community Café, Refurbished pool and Games Hall, changing Village, multi purpose rooms available to local groups Fauldhouse Partnership Centre
Regenerating Communities – Localising Services Daisy Drop In Centre Craigshill had highest level of deprivation in West Lothian Increase access to appropriate and better co-ordinated services to parents and young children Voluntary Organisation Status – managed by local parents group
Regenerating Services – Outcome Agreement West Lothian Outcome Planning Model 5 Life Stages Adults of Working Age Older people Young People in Transition School AgeEarly Years
The future is not a place we are going but one we are creating… …The paths to it are not found but made……. …And the activity of making them changes both the makers and the destination………… American futurologist