Photograph taken Fingerprints scanned for dinner Uniform and equipment check Rules and regulations of the school Dinner time procedures School quiz
This will take place every morning in VT time. You need to have full uniform and all your equipment every day. FULL EQUIPMENT – PEN PENCIL RULER JOURNAL PE KIT (on the days you have PE)
Each morning every pupil is checked to make sure you have everything you need to see you through the school day including full school uniform and equipment for lessons: During the school day girls are expected to wear; Green blazer Green jumper White shirt House Tie Green skirt or black trousers White/black ankle socks or tights in cold weather Black low heeled leather shoes You are not allowed to wear pumps or trainers unless you are in a PE lesson During the school day boys are expected to wear; Green blazer Green jumper White shirt House Tie Black trousers Dark socks Black leather shoes Again - you are not allowed to wear pumps or trainers unless you are in a PE lesson
Acceptable Unacceptable Trainers of any type Plain black leather shoes Boots of any type
Mobile phones and i- pods/MP3 players are not to be seen during lesson time. If they are seen they will be confiscated until a parent or guardian can come into school to collect them. You are permitted to use them during break and lunchtime if you wish
If you are wearing make-up you will be given wet wipes and asked to remove it, the same goes for nail varnish
No chewing gum or fizzy drinks
No jewellery other than a pair of plain gold/silver stud earrings
Your attendance at St. Matthews is extremely important. If your attendance is good, you will achieve well, so your attendance needs to be as high as possible – 100% is your target! If your attendance drops below 92%, your parents will be asked to attend a meeting at school to discuss this. You will also not be allowed to attend school reward trips. If your attendance drops below 85% you will become a ‘persistent absentee’, and your parents may face further sanctions to improve your attendance.
Days Absent% AttendanceDays Absent% Attendance 1 Day99.50%16 Days91.70% 2 Days99.00%17 Days91.20% 3 Days98.50%18 Days90.70% 4 Days97.90%19 Days90.20% 5 Days97.40%20 Days89.60% 6 Days96.90%21 Days89.10% 7 Days96.40%22 Days88.60% 8 Days95.90%23 Days88.10% 9 Days95.30%24 Days87.60% 10 Days94.80%25 Days87.00% 11 Days94.30%26 Days86.50% 12 Days93.80%27 Days86.00% 13 Days93.30%28 Days85.50% 14 Days92.70%29 Days85.00% 15 Days92.20%30 Days84.50%
Year 10 and Year 11 enter dinner first. This is their privilege as the senior year groups. Year 11s only are allowed to sit on the blue dinner benches Year 9, 8 and 7 are allowed in when all of year 10 and 11 have been in The time they enter is different on each day to make it fair for each year group. The rota is shown to the right For the first week or so Year 7 will enter early to get used to the dinnertime system FirstSecondThird Mon987 Tue879 Weds798 Thurs987 Fri879
You may be held back from entering the dining hall with the rest of your year group for the following reasons… – Incorrect uniform – Poor behaviour in the dinner queue – Poor behaviour in lessons
You have been on a tour of the school, and have heard lots about St. Matthews today. How much can you remember? To see how much you’ve taken in, here’s a quick quiz you can do as a group
Where in the school is the RE department?
Where in school is the English department?
Name the 5 pieces of equipment every pupil needs to bring to school
What are the names of the 6 houses, and who are the house leaders?
What do you need to wear for correct uniform?
When are you allowed to use a mobile phone in school?
What happens when you use your mobile phone incorrectly?
What is the name of the Headmaster?
Who is your pastoral manager?
What time does school usually start and finish?
1 – 3 rd floor 2 – ground floor of the O.L.C. 3 – A pen, a pencil, a ruler, your journal, P.E. kit 4 – Clitherow – Mr Brookes, Fisher – Mr Walker, Howard – Mrs Drinkwater, More – Mrs Callison, Rigby – Mr Brooks, Ward – Mr Green 5 – BLACK SHOES, tie, blazer, white shirt, black trousers/skirt, jumper
6 – Break time and Dinner time ONLY 7 – Phone is confiscated, handed in at student services. It can then only be collected by a parent/carer 8 – Mr Hogan 9 – Clitherow and Ward – Mr Devine, Rigby and More – Miss Matthews, Fisher and Howard – Mrs Fallon 10 – School starts at 8.30 am and finishes at 3.05 pm