Hi! You need: Pen/pencil College essay prompt Journal (9/24/14): On June 21, 2014 US Women’s Soccer goalie, Hope Solo, was arrested and charged with fourth-degree domestic violence assault against her half-sister and 17-year-old nephew. U.S. Soccer has allowed Solo to play in 4 friendly games since. D,C,Q: In light of the issues of domestic violence in the NFL, Solo should be suspended from the U.S. Women’s team.
Agenda: Journal: Hope Solo Author’s Chart o Okrent: “Words Don’t Meant What they Mean” College Essay: o Pre-writing/mind map o Start drafting Homework: o Read “A Modest Proposal” by Friday. o Draft 1 due by Wednesday When you leave you will have: -completed pre-writing for your college essay. -read and annotated “A Modest Proposal”
Hi! You need: Pen/pencil Journal Learning log Foldable Into the Wild Journal (9/24/14): On June 21, 2014 US Women’s Soccer goalie, Hope Solo, was arrested and charged with fourth-degree domestic violence assault against her half-sister and 17-year-old nephew. U.S. Soccer has allowed Solo to play in 4 friendly games since. D,C,Q: In light of the issues of domestic violence in the NFL, Solo should be suspended from the U.S. Women’s team.
Agenda: Journal: Hope Solo Characterization Foldable o Essential question: How did Chris’s relationship with Walt and Loren influence his decision to leave Virginia? o Find characterization examples for Walt, Chris, and Loren o __________________ is the kind of guy who… Learning Log: How did reading chapter 11 help you come to understand Chris’s decision to go to Alaska? Homework: o Read chapter 12! When you leave you will have: -determined how characterization is related to conflict.