Glaciers: who, what where…
Aped valeys 1.Animated tutorial on formation and deformation, includes different types of glaciers. onal%20Materials/Documents/elearning/module13swf.swf onal%20Materials/Documents/elearning/module13swf.swf 2.McGraw Hill list of four animations /student_view0/chapter12/animations_and_movies.html# /student_view0/chapter12/animations_and_movies.html# 3.Computer animation of glacial erosion of v shaped valleys into u shaped valleys
Glaciers: Rivers of Ice
Bering Glacier, Alaska
How do glaciers form?
Snow accumulation > Snow melt
Layers of snow accumulation, density changes.
Crystals start to form.
Snow under compression --- Ice crystals result.
Dense (compacted, crystallized) glacial ice looks blue.
How do glaciers flow like rivers?
Glacial Deformation
Crevasse near Hogsback
How do glaciers move? How do crevasses form?
When glaciers retreat…
Moraine Lake
Eliot Glacier Retreat and Moraines
Lateral moraines
Unsorted sediments
Lyman Glacier, Ranier
Pac NW Past Glaciation
Puget Sound is the result of a glacier
Mount Hood Glaciers and stream levels
Eliot Glacier 1901,2005
White River Glacier
0and%20Moraine.swf Start here. 0and%20Moraine.swf /30425/12_03.swf::Fig Cross-section of an Ice Sheet polar iglacier animation /30425/12_06.swf::Fig Glacier Basics animation of general glacier /30425/12_08.swf::Fig Ice Flow in a Glacier ice flow animation /30425/12_09.swf::Fig Crevasses on a Glacier Crevasse foirmation zation seasonal change in glaciers animation zation moraine animation Oregon Field Guide Mt Hood glacier
Cool Glacier Facts Glaciers cover 15 million square kilometers of the Earth’s land surface. About three-quarters of Earth’s freshwater is in glaciers. The world’s largest glacier today is the ice sheet that covers East Antarctica, which in places is over 4200 meters thick. The world’s longest glacier today, the Bering Glacier in Alaska (US), is 204 kilometers long.
Halifax Harbour, fort built on drumlin
(1) head of glacier; (2) firn or névé; (3) region of ground moraine deposition; (4) terminal moraine; (5) drumlin; (6) braided stream; (7) kettle; (8) medial moraine; (9) lateral moraine; (10) U-shaped valley; (11) arête; (12) hanging valley; (13) cirque; (14) tarn; and (15) ice fall.