Natural history and exploration in Taiwan 臺灣的自然與探索拓殖史 Jer-Ming Hu 胡哲明 Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, NTU Jer-Ming Hu 胡哲明 Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, NTU 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示-創用 「姓 非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出授權釋 Unless noted, the course materials are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Taiwan (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)n-SA 3.0) Introduction to the biodiversity of Taiwan
NASA World Wind Version 1.3.5
The geography Land area: mi 2. (36000 m 2 ) Highest point: ft (3952 m) Mean ann rainfall: 2483 mm Average ann temp.: 73°F (23°C) Land area: mi 2. (36000 m 2 ) Highest point: ft (3952 m) Mean ann rainfall: 2483 mm Average ann temp.: 73°F (23°C) NASA World Wind JAVA SDK
Formation of lands of Taiwan The latest connection between Taiwan and other area mya? The glacial periods Günz period: mya Mindel period: mya Würm period: mya Migration of animals and plants from adjacent regions China, Japan, the Philippines, etc. Highly influenced by migration/dispersal mechanisms Paleogeography of the East Asia
Common plant species between Taiwan and adjacent regions Endemic to Taiwan: 1069 (26.2%) Endemic to Taiwan: 1069 (26.2%) TAIWAN CHINA 2374 spp. (58.2%) JAPAN PHILIPPI NES 1701 spp. (41.7%) 1205 spp. (29.6%) National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from T.C. Huang et al Flora of Taiwan, 2 nd edn., Vol. 6. Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan.
Geology in Taiwan National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project.
Climate in Taiwan Subtropics Tropics Tan-sui Ann. Temp.Ann. Rain. 22.2°C2155 mm Chujihu18.6°C4389 mm Su-ao22.6°C4440 mm Kaohsiung25.1°C1885 mm Alisan11.2°C3932 mm Yu-san4.2°C3071 mm Chiayi23.1°C1774 mm Henchun25.1°C2022 mm Lanyu22.7°C2980 mm Hsinchu22.6°C1718 mm Data from Central Weather Bureau NASA World Wind JAVA SDK
Average Temperature and Rainfall from 1981 to 2010 Temperature Rainfall National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from Central Weather Bureau. NASA World Wind JAVA SDK
Rainfall Temperature National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from Central Weather Bureau. NASA World Wind JAVA SDK
Natural survey in Taiwan
National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 陳正祥 台灣地 誌 Pres. Before Dutch Dutch colonization Ming (Chen) Ching Japanese colonization Current Colonization of Taiwan
National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 張靜宜,張麗芬 台灣博物大調查. 吳 永華 被遺忘的日籍台灣植物學者 台灣植物探險. Natural survey in Taiwan Westerner Japanese Current Early settlement
Early days (1624 - 1662) 1602 ( 明萬曆 30 年 )Ti-Chen ( 陳第 【東番記】 ) Cutivated species of Rice ( 稻 ) sesame ( 胡麻 ) green onion ( 蔥 ) ginger ( 薑 ) sweet potato ( 番薯 ) sugarcane ( 甘蔗 ) coconut ( 椰子 ) 1602 ( 明萬曆 30 年 )Ti-Chen ( 陳第 【東番記】 ) Cutivated species of Rice ( 稻 ) sesame ( 胡麻 ) green onion ( 蔥 ) ginger ( 薑 ) sweet potato ( 番薯 ) sugarcane ( 甘蔗 ) coconut ( 椰子 )
Westerners: before 1895
National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 吳永華 台灣植 物探險 Robert Fortune ( , England; plants in NT) 2000 Charles Wilford (-1893, England; plants) Collecting period in Taiwan Life span Natural survey before 1950 Richard Oldham (England; plants) Robert Swinhoe ( , England; various) A. Adams ( , England; insects & bivalves) La Touche, J. D. D. ( , England; animals) G. L. Mackay ( , England; various)
Robert Fortune took the boat ‘Confucius’ from Fuchou ( 福州 ) to Tamshuy ( 淡水 ) at April 20, 1854 for a day. Making note of lily, rice paper plant (Tetrapanax papyrifera 蓪草 ). Robert Fortune (horticulturist from Scotland) Lilium formosanum 臺灣百合 Tetrapanax papyrifera 蓪草 Flickr Bettaman Flickr plj.johnny The Tea Thief viewer.html?photo=/images/large/466.jpg Info: Image:
Robert Swinhoe ca Robert Swinhoe (England, ) Robert Swinhoe worked as a consul in Taiwan and has great collections in He cataloged and named at least 227 new birds and 17 mammals, and many plants too.
Map of Taiwan in 1864
Swinhoe took British boat ‘Inflexible’ circling the island of Taiwan and wanted to land Ching-shui, Hualien in 1858.
Takao in Phoenix hanceana ( 台灣海棗 ) can be seen on the seashore
Exploring lagoons near Kaohsiung by Swinhoe.
Noted contribution by R. Swinhoe Animals named by R. Swinhoe Porcula taivana (Formosan wild boar 台灣野豬 ) Macaca cyclopis (Taiwan rock macaque 台灣獼猴 ) Paguma larvata taivana (Taiwan gem-faced civet 白鼻心 ) Neofelis nebulosa brachyurus (Formosan cloud leopard 雲豹 ) Helictis subaurantiaca (Tree civet 鼬獾 ) Talpa insularis (Formosan blind mole 台灣鼴鼠 ) Animals named by R. Swinhoe Porcula taivana (Formosan wild boar 台灣野豬 ) Macaca cyclopis (Taiwan rock macaque 台灣獼猴 ) Paguma larvata taivana (Taiwan gem-faced civet 白鼻心 ) Neofelis nebulosa brachyurus (Formosan cloud leopard 雲豹 ) Helictis subaurantiaca (Tree civet 鼬獾 ) Talpa insularis (Formosan blind mole 台灣鼴鼠 ) Formosan cloud leopard Flickr icools
Noted contribution by Swinhoe Found or named after Swinhoe Lophura swinhoii (Swinhoe pheasant 藍腹鷴 ) Japalura swinhonis (Swinhoe’s tree lizard 斯文豪氏攀蜥 ) Rubus swinhoei Hance (Swinhoe rubus 斯氏懸鉤子 ) Sabia swinhoei Hemsl (Swinhoe’s sabia 台灣清風藤 ) Found or named after Swinhoe Lophura swinhoii (Swinhoe pheasant 藍腹鷴 ) Japalura swinhonis (Swinhoe’s tree lizard 斯文豪氏攀蜥 ) Rubus swinhoei Hance (Swinhoe rubus 斯氏懸鉤子 ) Sabia swinhoei Hemsl (Swinhoe’s sabia 台灣清風藤 ) Swinhoe Pheasant 藍腹鷴 Swinhoe’s tree lizard Wiki J. Patrick Fischer
Sabia swinhoei Hemsl 台灣清風藤 National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
Richard Oldham (Royal Gardens, Kew) Richard Oldham visited Tan-sui and Keelung, March- April, 1864, and collected over 600 species of plants. Now the specimens are deposited in Kew Garden, London Oldham discovered 61 new plant species, e.g. Saurauja oldhamii Hemsl. ( 水冬瓜 ) Michelia compressa (Maxim.) Sargent ( 烏心石 ) Liquidambar formosana Hance ( 楓香 ) Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim. ( 金毛杜鵑 ) Chloranthus oldhamii Solms ( 臺灣及己 ) Diospyros oldhamii Maxim. ( 俄氏柿 ) Richard Oldham visited Tan-sui and Keelung, March- April, 1864, and collected over 600 species of plants. Now the specimens are deposited in Kew Garden, London Oldham discovered 61 new plant species, e.g. Saurauja oldhamii Hemsl. ( 水冬瓜 ) Michelia compressa (Maxim.) Sargent ( 烏心石 ) Liquidambar formosana Hance ( 楓香 ) Rhododendron oldhamii Maxim. ( 金毛杜鵑 ) Chloranthus oldhamii Solms ( 臺灣及己 ) Diospyros oldhamii Maxim. ( 俄氏柿 )
Rhododendron oldhamii 金毛杜鵑 Picasa 揚霖陳 Picasa 曾坤發
Chloranthus oldhamii Solms 台灣及己 National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
Liquidambar formosana Hance 楓香 First collected by Oldham in Tan-sui National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Jstor Plant Science
Augustine Henry stayed in Taiwan from , mostly in Takao (Kaohsiung), Bankinsing (Wanchin 萬 金莊 ), and South Cape ( 今鵝鑾鼻 ) Augustine Henry (Irish, doctor) Catholic church of Wanchin (now) A. Henry (left) and H. Elwes Wiki Chan-Pan Liao
Augustine Henry A. Henr collected more than plant specimens in southern China and Taiwan during , and published more than 1000 new species. Henry published “A List of Plants from Formosa” in 1896, including 1288 species. This is the major contribution to the flora of Taiwan. There are 103 endemic species, all collected from mountain area. Most of them are common to southern China and Japan. Less connected to the Philippines and Australia. A. Henr collected more than plant specimens in southern China and Taiwan during , and published more than 1000 new species. Henry published “A List of Plants from Formosa” in 1896, including 1288 species. This is the major contribution to the flora of Taiwan. There are 103 endemic species, all collected from mountain area. Most of them are common to southern China and Japan. Less connected to the Philippines and Australia.
National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 吳永華 被遺忘的日籍台灣植 物學者 Period in Taiwan Life span Botanic studies before 1950 Yasusada Tashiro 田代安 定 Bunzo Hayata 早田文藏 Yaichi Shimada 島田彌 市 Sasaki Syuniti 佐佐木舜一 Ryoso Kanehira 金平亮 三 Kano Tadao 鹿野忠雄 Yoshimatsu Yamamoto 山本由 松 Yushun Kudo 工藤祐舜 Genkei Masamune 正宗 嚴敬 Kawakami Takiya 川上瀧彌 Tsunasuke Tada 多田綱輔 Yoneraro Kikuchi 菊池米太 郎 Masamitsu Oshima 大島正 滿
Yoneraro Kikuchi is the first person who collected the whole specimen of Mikado pheasant ( 帝雉 ) The type specimen of the pheasant comprises two tail feathers on the head-dress of an aboriginal people, collected in 1906 by Walter GoodfellowWalter Goodfellow Wiki Snowyowls (photographer) / Jako (uploader)
Formosan landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus 櫻花鉤吻鮭 ) was found by Masamitsu Oshima in Oncorhynchus masou masou Wiki
Studying period in Taiwan Life span Natural survey studies Yasusada Tashiro 田代安 定 Bunzo Hayata 早田文藏 Yaichi Shimada 島田彌 市 Sasaki Syuniti 佐佐木舜一 Ryoso Kanehira 金平亮 三 Kano Tadao 鹿野忠雄 Yoshimatsu Yamamoto 山本由 松 Yushun Kudo 工藤祐舜 Genkei Masamune 正宗 嚴敬 Kawakami Takiya 川上瀧彌 National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 吳永華 被遺忘的日籍台灣植 物學者. Tsunasuke Tada 多田綱輔 Yoneraro Kikuchi 菊池米太 郎 Masamitsu Oshima 大島正 滿
Japanese naturalists ( ) Bunzo Hayata 早田文藏 Bunzo Hayata 早田文藏 Natural survey in Taiwan Ryoso Kanehira 金平亮三 Ryoso Kanehira 金平亮三 Yushun Kudo 工藤祐 舜 Syuniti Sasaki 佐佐木舜一 Syuniti Sasaki 佐佐木舜一 Transactions of the natural history society of Formosa, Vol. 22: No Taiwania, Vol. 1: No. 1.
Takiya Kawakami 川上瀧彌 ( ) Director of the National Taiwan Museum from In charge of collection over the whole island of Taiwan Director of the National Taiwan Museum from In charge of collection over the whole island of Taiwan 川上瀧彌 Takiya Kawakami Transactions of the natural history society of Formosa, Vol. 15: No. 79, 80.
National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Excoecaria kawakamii Hayata ( 蘭嶼土沉香, Euphorbiaceae) Plant named after Kawakami National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
Bunzo Hayata ( 早田文藏 ) 1906 published ‘Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum’ 「台灣植物名錄」 (with 松村任三 ) 1908 published ‘Flora Montana Formosae’ 「台灣高山植物 誌」 1911 published Icones Plantarum Formosanarum 「臺灣植 物圖譜」 Recorded 170 families, 1197 genera, and 3568 species 1906 published ‘Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum’ 「台灣植物名錄」 (with 松村任三 ) 1908 published ‘Flora Montana Formosae’ 「台灣高山植物 誌」 1911 published Icones Plantarum Formosanarum 「臺灣植 物圖譜」 Recorded 170 families, 1197 genera, and 3568 species
Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata 台灣杉 Flickr plj.johnny
Director of the herbarium at Taihoku Imperial University at 1929 National Taiwan University Library Database of Taiwanese Old photos Yushun Kudo 工藤祐舜 ( ) Yushun Kudo 工藤祐舜 NTU at Transactions of the natural history society of Formosa, Vol. 22: No. 123.
NTU herbarium (TAI) National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
Ryoso Kanehira 金平亮三 Ryoso Kanehira 金平亮三 Ryoso Kanehira 金平亮三 ( ) National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. National Taiwan University Library Database of Taiwanese Old photos
Mitrastema yamamotoi var. kanehirai ( 菱形奴草, Mitrastemonaceae) Plant named after Kanehira National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
Syuniti Sasaki 佐佐木舜一 ( ) Published ‘List of Plants of Formosa’ in 1928, including plants of: 185 families 1121 genera 3265 species Published ‘List of Plants of Formosa’ in 1928, including plants of: 185 families 1121 genera 3265 species Syuniti Sasaki 佐佐木舜一 Syuniti Sasaki 佐佐木舜一
Plant named by Sasaki Astragalus nankotaizanensis Sasaki ( 南湖大山紫雲英, Fabaceae) National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
Yoshimatsu Yamamoto 山本由松 ( ) 1928 Assistant Professor, Taihoku Imp. Univ Studied in the US and UK 1934 Published Supplementa Iconum Plantarum Formosanarum ‘ 續台灣植物圖 譜 ’ 1928 Assistant Professor, Taihoku Imp. Univ Studied in the US and UK 1934 Published Supplementa Iconum Plantarum Formosanarum ‘ 續台灣植物圖 譜 ’ National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project Taiwania, Vol. 1: No. 1.
Epilobium nankotaizanense Yamamoto 南湖大山柳葉菜 Flickr ECOgarden National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project.
Genkei Masamune ( 正宗嚴敬 ) 1936 published An enumeration of higher cryptogamic and phanerogamic plants hitherto known from the island of Formosa and its adjacent islands 「最新台灣植物總目 錄」 1954 published Flora Kaianantensis 1936 published An enumeration of higher cryptogamic and phanerogamic plants hitherto known from the island of Formosa and its adjacent islands 「最新台灣植物總目 錄」 1954 published Flora Kaianantensis National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. Morning Star Publishing Inc.
Type specimen localities from records in TAI National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
Flora of Taiwan ( 台灣植物誌 ) Editorial committee of the first edition ( ): De Vol ( 棣慕華 ), Tang-shui Liu, H.L. Li ( 李惠林 ), Tetsuo Koyama ( 小山鐵夫 ), T.C. Huang ( 黃增 泉 ) Editorial committee of the first edition ( ): De Vol ( 棣慕華 ), Tang-shui Liu, H.L. Li ( 李惠林 ), Tetsuo Koyama ( 小山鐵夫 ), T.C. Huang ( 黃增 泉 ) Editorial committee of the second edition ( ): T.C. Huang ( 黃增泉 ), W.C. Hsieh ( 謝萬權 ), W.P. Yang ( 楊遠波 ), C.F. Hsieh ( 謝長 富 ), C.I Peng ( 彭鏡毅 ), C.S. Kuo ( 郭長生 ), H.C. Su ( 蘇鴻傑 ) Editorial committee of the second edition ( ): T.C. Huang ( 黃增泉 ), W.C. Hsieh ( 謝萬權 ), W.P. Yang ( 楊遠波 ), C.F. Hsieh ( 謝長 富 ), C.I Peng ( 彭鏡毅 ), C.S. Kuo ( 郭長生 ), H.C. Su ( 蘇鴻傑 ) National Taiwan Universtiy Tseng-Chieng Huang
Copyright Declaration WorkLicensingAuthor/Source NASA World Wind Version /10/3 visited Note: The original work is from World Wind Java SDK: It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: NASA Web Privacy Policy and Photo GuidelinesWeb Privacy PolicyPhoto Guidelines Wiki Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC /09/26 visited NASA World Wind JAVA SDK /10/3 visited Note: The original work is from World Wind Java SDK: It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: NASA Web Privacy Policy and Photo GuidelinesWeb Privacy PolicyPhoto Guidelines National Taiwan University Kuo-Yen Wei National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from T.C. Huang et al Flora of Taiwan, 2 nd edn., Vol. 6. Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan. National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project pdf 2011/12/19 visited It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project copyright statementcopyright statement
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source NASA World Wind JAVA SDK /10/3 visited Note: The original work is from World Wind Java SDK: It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: NASA Web Privacy Policy and Photo GuidelinesWeb Privacy PolicyPhoto Guidelines National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from Central Weather Bureau. Wiki Johannes Vingboons /10/11 Wiki user: M /10/20 visited Wiki user: Adam sk /10/11 visited Wiki Sasaki ファイル :Bunzō_Hayata.JPG 2011/10/21 visited Wiki user: Nyttend, Skier Dude /10/25 visited National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 陳正祥 台灣地誌.
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 張靜宜,張麗芬 台灣博物大調查. 吳永華 被遺 忘的日籍台灣植物學者 台灣植物探險. J. van Braam /10/21 visited Wiki user: Valérie /10/11 visited Robert Swinhoe Notes on the island of Formosa. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 34: p National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Data from 吳永華 台灣植物探險. Flickr plj.johnny /10/11 visited Flickr Bettaman /10/11 visited Robert Swinhoe Notes on the island of Formosa. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 34: p /10/11 visited Frederick Le Breton Bedwell On the east coast of Formosa - Attacked by savages. In William Blakeney, On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago. London: Elliot Stock, 1902, p /10/11 visited
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Wellcome Images Photographed by John Thomson /10/26 visited Edmund Hornby Grimani Canoeing at Takow, Formosa. In Illustrated London News Vol. 96, No (8 February 1890): /10/11 visited Flickr icools /12/15 visited Wiki J. Patrick Fischer /12/15 visited Alexander Francis Lydon /10/11 visited National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Picasa 曾坤發 &psc=G&filter=1&imglic=creative_commons# /12/15 visited Picasa 揚霖陳 &psc=G&filter=1&imglic=creative_commons# /12/15 visited National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Jstor Plant Science /12/15 visited It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Articles 52 & 65 of Taiwan Copyright Act. Jstor Terms and Conditions of Use National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Wiki user: Nyttend, Skier Dude /10/25 visited Wiki Chan-Pan Liao /12/15 visited National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Wiki Snowyowls (photographer) / Jako (uploader) /12/15 visited Wiki /12/15 visited Wiki User: Vineyard /12/15 visited
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Transactions of the natural history society of Formosa, Vol. 22: No It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Articles 52 & 65 of Taiwan Copyright Act. Syuniti Sasaki Miscellaneous. The Journal of Japanese Botany, Vol. 14: No. 10, p National Taiwan University Library Database of Taiwanese Old photos (臺灣大學總圖書館) /10/27 visited Note1. Wiki Sasaki ファイル :Bunzō_Hayata.JPG 2011/10/21 visited Taiwania, Vol. 1: No. 1. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Articles 52 & 65 of Taiwan Copyright Act. Takiya Kawakami A List of Plants of Formosa. 著作者川上瀧彌。川上瀧彌生卒年 。出版年 1910 與生卒年都大於 50 年,判斷為公共財。 Transactions of the natural history society of Formosa, Vol. 15: No. 79, 80. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Articles 52 & 65 of Taiwan Copyright Act. Note 1: National Taiwan University Library 使用注意事項 : 也有電洽對方,對方口頭告知我們可以合理使用。
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Bunzo Hayata Icones Plantarum Formosanarum, Vol 10 Flickr plj.johnny /10/21 visited Bunzo Hayata On Taiwania, a new genus of Coniferae from the island of Formosa. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany. 37: p /10/27 visited Bunzo Hayata On Taiwania, a new genus of Coniferae from the island of Formosa. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany. 37: p /10/27 visited Bunzo Hayata On Taiwania, a new genus of Coniferae from the island of Formosa. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany. 37: p /10/27 visited National Taiwan University Library Database of Taiwanese Old photos (臺灣大學總圖書館) /10/27 visited Note1. Note 1: National Taiwan University Library 使用注意事項 : 也有電洽對方,對方口頭告知我們可以合理使用。
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project copyright statementcopyright statement National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu Syuniti Sasaki ( 佐佐木舜一 ) Lists of Plants of Formosa. National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project copyright statementcopyright statement National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project copyright statementcopyright statement National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project copyright statementcopyright statement
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Flickr ECOgarden /12/15 visited Yung-hua Wu. Portraits of the Forgotten Japanese-Taiwanese Botanists. Taichung City : Morning Star Publishing Inc. 吳永華 被遺忘的日籍台灣植物學者. 晨星出版社.P435 This work is licensed by Morning Star Publishing Inc. (晨星出版社) for the use of “The Biodiversity of Taiwan” course ONLY. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project. It is used subject to the fair use doctrine of: Taiwan Copyright Act Articles 52 & 65 National Taiwan University Herbarium Digital Archives Project copyright statementcopyright statement National Taiwan University Jer-Ming Hu National Taiwan Universtiy Tseng-Chieng Huang This work is licensed by Tseng-Chieng Huang for the use of “ The Biodiversity of Taiwan ” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately National Taiwan Universtiy Tseng-Chieng Huang This work is licensed by Tseng-Chieng Huang for the use of “ The Biodiversity of Taiwan ” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately Taiwan Forestry Research Institute This work is licensed by Taiwan Forestry Research Institute for the use of “ The Biodiversity of Taiwan ” course ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned entity and GET does not have the authorization right. Copyright privileges have to be negotiated with the copyright owner(s) for separately