Special Education Aid From Start to Finish 03/27/2008 Lori Ames, School Finance Consultant.


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Presentation transcript:

Special Education Aid From Start to Finish 03/27/2008 Lori Ames, School Finance Consultant

So much information……….so little time. SO LET’S GET STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where does it all start?Where does it all start? YOUR GENERAL LEDGER You have an expense that needs to be coded and accounted for on your general ledger.You have an expense that needs to be coded and accounted for on your general ledger.

General Ledger Account Coding There are five elements to a special education account code.There are five elements to a special education account code. –Fund: If related to special education, the expense should show up in fund 27! –Location (not required): Some districts elect to use a different location number to reflect fiscal agent cooperative expenses.

General Ledger Account Coding Before you code any further, you have to ask yourself 3 questions.Before you code any further, you have to ask yourself 3 questions. –What am I purchasing? (salary, benefit, supply) –What department is it for? (EC, OT, Admin) –How is the expense to be funded? (State aid, local dollars, grant dollars)

General Ledger Account Coding Now for the elements related to the questions……..Now for the elements related to the questions…….. –Object: Identifies what is being purchased –Function: Identifies the department or program –Project: Identifies the funding source

General Ledger Account Coding Detailed Project Numbers:Detailed Project Numbers: –011: Expense is locally funded and eligible for state special education categorical aid –019: Expense is locally funded and not eligible for state special education categorical aid. –340 (341, 347, etc……): Expense is funded with the district’s IDEA grants (The district files the claim directly with DPI and receives payments directly from DPI.)

General Ledger Account Coding Detailed Project Numbers:Detailed Project Numbers: –315 (state)/317 (federal): Expense is funded by either a state or federal grant that is administered by another school district. The other district files the claim with DPI, receives the payment from DPI, and transits the grant money to your district.The other district files the claim with DPI, receives the payment from DPI, and transits the grant money to your district.

Project 315 & 317 District A – Incurs Original Vendor Expense - Project 317 VENDORDPI District B files DPI Grant Claim & Receives Reimbursement – Source 730 District B – Reimburses District A using Federal Flow-Thru Funds – Project 340 District A – Receipts Reimbursement-Source 317 District A files claim With District B.

General Ledger Account Coding Detailed Project Numbers:Detailed Project Numbers: –515 (state)/517 (federal): Expense is funded by either a state or federal grant that is administered by CESA/CCDEB. CESA/CCDEB files the claim with DPI, receives the payment from DPI, and transits the grant money to your district.CESA/CCDEB files the claim with DPI, receives the payment from DPI, and transits the grant money to your district.

Project 515 & 517 District A – Incurs Original Vendor Expense - Project 517 VENDORDPI CESA files DPI Grant Claim & Receives Reimbursement – Source 730 CESA – Reimburses District A using Federal Flow-Thru Funds – Project 340 District A – Receipts Reimbursement-Source 517 CESA District A files a claim with CESA.

General Ledger Account Coding Detailed Project Numbers:Detailed Project Numbers: –599: Expense is funded with a district grant other than an IDEA grant. The district files the claim directly with DPI and receives payments directly from DPI.The district files the claim directly with DPI and receives payments directly from DPI. An example of a grant reported in project code 599 would be an AODA grant or a Drug Free Schools Grant.An example of a grant reported in project code 599 would be an AODA grant or a Drug Free Schools Grant.

General Ledger Account Coding Detailed Project Numbers:Detailed Project Numbers: –091 (CESA)/092 (CCDEB): Expense is funded with local money from a CESA or CCDEB. This type of arrangement is considered a “package program,” and the district is is considered a “host district.” The district’s expenses are funded in full.This type of arrangement is considered a “package program,” and the district is is considered a “host district.” The district’s expenses are funded in full. Relatively few package programs exist in the State.Relatively few package programs exist in the State.

General Ledger Account Coding How do I know if certain account elements can be used together?How do I know if certain account elements can be used together? –Check out the new Fund 27 Matrix

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility How do I know if my expense is eligible for state special education aid?How do I know if my expense is eligible for state special education aid? –Expenses can be coded to project code 011 assuming: the type of expense is aid eligible;the type of expense is aid eligible; any claimed salary/benefits are supported by an appropriately licensed staff member or allocated appropriately to fund 27;any claimed salary/benefits are supported by an appropriately licensed staff member or allocated appropriately to fund 27; the entity hasn’t been reimbursed for the project code 011 expense with grant money.the entity hasn’t been reimbursed for the project code 011 expense with grant money.

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Eligible ExpensesEligible Expenses –Salary & Fringe Benefits for: most special education teachers & assistants;most special education teachers & assistants; speech/physical/occupational therapists;speech/physical/occupational therapists; psychologists, social workers, nurses, guidance counselorspsychologists, social workers, nurses, guidance counselors special education administrative staffspecial education administrative staff special transportationspecial transportation

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Appropriate LicensureAppropriate Licensure –The staff member must hold the appropriate licensure for the function he/she is being charged to.

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility How do we identify licenses that are not valid?How do we identify licenses that are not valid? –Entities complete the PI 1202 fall staffing report identifying the staff member, FTE, and assignment (including function). This report is static and does not get updated during the year. –Teacher licensing compares the staff assignment from the PI 1202 report against the staff member’s license.

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility How do we identify licenses that are not valid?How do we identify licenses that are not valid? –A list of staff members that do not hold a valid license for their assignment is generated and made available for entity staff and auditors. –Auditors are required to submit to DPI an excel document identifying the amount of salary and benefits paid for each staff member listed on the “no valid license list.”

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility How do we identify licenses that are not valid?How do we identify licenses that are not valid? –The identified salary and benefit amounts are withheld in the categorical aid calculation. –Aid is withheld until the DPI special education licensing team approves the individual’s license status.

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Appropriate AllocationAppropriate Allocation –Salaries and benefits of these professionals must be allocated between regular education (fund 10) and special education (fund 27) based on time and costs. psychologistspsychologists social workerssocial workers nurses (registered nurses, licensed by WI Dept of Regulation and Licensing)nurses (registered nurses, licensed by WI Dept of Regulation and Licensing) guidance counselorsguidance counselors –

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility How do we identify inappropriate allocations?How do we identify inappropriate allocations? –Auditors will verify that staff time/costs have been: done on an annual basis for each individual staff member claimed;done on an annual basis for each individual staff member claimed; documented for review by the entity’s auditor and potentially DPI;documented for review by the entity’s auditor and potentially DPI; based on a method that is both rational and defensible.based on a method that is both rational and defensible.

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility How do we identify inappropriate allocations?How do we identify inappropriate allocations? –Auditors are required to submit to DPI an excel document identifying the amount of salary and benefits paid for each staff member that has been inappropriately allocated. –The identified salary and benefit amounts are withheld in the categorical aid calculation until the DPI pupil services team approves the individual’s allocation status.

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility STAY TUNED!!! A pending law will alter the process you use to allocate guidance, nurse, psychologist, and social work positions to fund 27.A pending law will alter the process you use to allocate guidance, nurse, psychologist, and social work positions to fund 27. We will provide you detailed information as soon as we have it!We will provide you detailed information as soon as we have it!

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Eligible ExpensesEligible Expenses –Purchased Services (Directly Aidable) Occupational TherapyOccupational Therapy Physical TherapyPhysical Therapy Homebound TravelHomebound Travel Special TransportationSpecial Transportation Out of State Tuition (special approval required)Out of State Tuition (special approval required)

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Eligible ExpensesEligible Expenses –Supplies Only supplies for the special transportation vehicleOnly supplies for the special transportation vehicle

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Eligible ExpensesEligible Expenses –Equipment Only equipment for the special transportation vehicleOnly equipment for the special transportation vehicle Special permission is required to purchase a bus and apply for state special education aid.Special permission is required to purchase a bus and apply for state special education aid.

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Eligible ExpensesEligible Expenses –Insurance Property insurance for the special transportation vehicleProperty insurance for the special transportation vehicle Unemployment insurance for the cost of unemployment checks issued to former special education staff within one year IMMEDIATELY following terminationUnemployment insurance for the cost of unemployment checks issued to former special education staff within one year IMMEDIATELY following termination

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility Eligible ExpensesEligible Expenses –Dues & Fees Special Transportation - specifically any entry fees to activities for special education students on field tripsSpecial Transportation - specifically any entry fees to activities for special education students on field trips

State Spec Ed Aid Eligibility What do I do if I can’t remember anything you just told me?What do I do if I can’t remember anything you just told me? –Check out the revised claim directions that provide information on all eligible costs

Special Education Report Report Access:Report Access: –The spec ed budget/annual reports are not online reports. –The program should already be resident on one of the district’s computers or on a district’s network drive. –Districts are able to “re-download” the program, but be aware of how to handle the data files from prior year reports.

Special Education Report Report Completion:Report Completion: –Input Spec Ed Expenses Only those functions with the potential for aidable costs are entered in detail.Only those functions with the potential for aidable costs are entered in detail. If you have an expense that does not have a detail line, and the function begins with a 1, then report the expenses in function If you have an expense that does not have a detail line, and the function begins with a 1, then report the expenses in function If you have an expense that does not have a detail line, and the function begins with a 2, then report the expenses in function If you have an expense that does not have a detail line, and the function begins with a 2, then report the expenses in function

Special Education Report Report Completion:Report Completion: –Input Spec Ed Expenses Although nurse and guidance salary/benefit expenses have the potential to be aidable, there is no detail line on the report for data entry.Although nurse and guidance salary/benefit expenses have the potential to be aidable, there is no detail line on the report for data entry. If you have aidable guidance and nurse expenses coded to project code 011 on your ledger, please enter these expenses in function , project 019.If you have aidable guidance and nurse expenses coded to project code 011 on your ledger, please enter these expenses in function , project 019.

Special Education Report Report Completion:Report Completion: –Input School Age Parent Program Expenses Districts need to report expenditures as well as numbers served.Districts need to report expenditures as well as numbers served. Just a reminder that expenses for SAP Homebound are only aidable for services provided to “Moms.”Just a reminder that expenses for SAP Homebound are only aidable for services provided to “Moms.”

Special Education Report Report Completion:Report Completion: –Input selected revenue accounts Enter revenue for source 346 and 347Enter revenue for source 346 and 347 These two revenue accounts are the only ones requested because they are used in the maintenance of effort calculation.These two revenue accounts are the only ones requested because they are used in the maintenance of effort calculation.

Special Education Report Report Completion:Report Completion: –Identify entities to whom you’ve made grant payments Not only do you need to report the payment in the correct account number, you also need to identify who you paid and how much.Not only do you need to report the payment in the correct account number, you also need to identify who you paid and how much.

If you paid another entity using grant money, you need to answer “yes” to this question!

If you paid another entity using grant funds, then you need to identify the entity and how much you paid them.

Special Education Report Report Completion:Report Completion: –Identify any Deductible Receipts A deductible receipt is created when an entity incurs an aidable expense (coded to project 011) that is ultimately reimbursed by another entity with grant funds.A deductible receipt is created when an entity incurs an aidable expense (coded to project 011) that is ultimately reimbursed by another entity with grant funds. Since DPI calculates aid based on expenses coded to project code 011, you need to tell me if some of those expenses have already been reimbursed by grant money.Since DPI calculates aid based on expenses coded to project code 011, you need to tell me if some of those expenses have already been reimbursed by grant money.

If someone paid you for an expense that you coded to project code 011, then you must answer “yes” to this question.

Identify the deductible receipt amount in the function the project code 011 expense was initially charged.

Identify the entity that paid you using grant funds as well as how much they paid you that reimbursed an expense you had coded to project 011. The dollar amount on this screen should match the amount in the 27D function lines.

Special Education Report Report Completion:Report Completion: –Identify any deductible receipts Just a reminder that the flat rate amount of an open enrollment tuition is not considered a deductible receipt. Any additional student specific open enrollment tuition may be a deductible receipt if the original expense was coded to project 011.Just a reminder that the flat rate amount of an open enrollment tuition is not considered a deductible receipt. Any additional student specific open enrollment tuition may be a deductible receipt if the original expense was coded to project 011.

Special Education Report Report Submittal:Report Submittal: –Report submittal involves sending an to the department with a text file attached. –If you need to report project code 011 guidance and nurse expenses, then additional information must be included in the body of the . (wording is available on the web)

Spec Ed Report Auditing Report Auditing/Amending:Report Auditing/Amending: –Auditing is done to ensure the accuracy of both the project 011 expenses and aid payments. –Any detected errors may require changes to either the SAFR annual report or the Spec Ed Annual Report SAFR – changes made onlineSAFR – changes made online SE Report – changes made locally and faxedSE Report – changes made locally and faxed

You know you have the right amendment report because it only shows you the account numbers that have changed.

Spec Ed Report Auditing Common Reporting Errors:Common Reporting Errors: –SAFR does not equal the SE Annual Report Sample: ERROR: SE Does Not Equal SAFR AMT SAFR: $21, AMT SE: $21, AMT Difference: $0.00 MESSAGE: Expenses reported in this function series should equal at both the function and object level between the SE and full SAFR report. HYPERLINK: Click here for correction instructions -

Spec Ed Report Auditing Common Reporting Errors:Common Reporting Errors: –SAFR does not equal the SE Annual Report The district will need to determine which report is accurate and either correct the SAFR Report, the SE Annual Report, or both.The district will need to determine which report is accurate and either correct the SAFR Report, the SE Annual Report, or both.

Spec Ed Report Auditing Common Reporting Errors:Common Reporting Errors: –Not Reporting Grant Payments by Entity Sample: ERROR: Grant Payment Made AMT: $12, (at least) MADE TO: CESA MESSAGE: CESA reported a deductible receipt from you in the amount listed above. Did you make a grant payment to CESA? If you did, you will need to amend your special education annual report to reflect that you made a grant payment to them. If not, please contact CESA to let them know your payment was not grant dollars. Please let me know your findings via . Thank you.

Spec Ed Report Auditing Common Reporting Errors:Common Reporting Errors: –Not Reporting Grant Payments by Entity This error gets back to needing to answer “yes” to the question in your report, identifying the entity you paid, and identifying how much you paid them.This error gets back to needing to answer “yes” to the question in your report, identifying the entity you paid, and identifying how much you paid them. Please note that the amount you paid them should be equal to or greater than the amount they reported as a deductible receipt.Please note that the amount you paid them should be equal to or greater than the amount they reported as a deductible receipt.

Spec Ed Report Auditing Common Reporting Errors:Common Reporting Errors: –No Record of Grant Payment Received Sample: ERROR: No Record of Grant Payment Received Amount Received: $500 From: CESA MESSAGE: CESA indicated that they sent you a grant payment, but I do not see either a deductible receipt reported or expenditures with a project code of 515 or 517 totaling this amount. HYPERLINK: Click here for correction instructions -

Spec Ed Report Auditing Common Reporting Errors:Common Reporting Errors: –To report grant payments received, the district must either: code the original expense to project code 315,317,515, or 517 (grant payment equals the expenses coded to the previous projects)code the original expense to project code 315,317,515, or 517 (grant payment equals the expenses coded to the previous projects)OR Report a deductible receipt for only the expense that was coded to project code 011 (grant payment made may be equal to or more than the deductible receipt)Report a deductible receipt for only the expense that was coded to project code 011 (grant payment made may be equal to or more than the deductible receipt)

Aid Calculation & Payments Normal aid calculation involves:Normal aid calculation involves: Gross Aidable Expense - No Valid License - Questioned Cost +/- Miscellaneous Adjustments = Net Aidable Cost

Special Ed Aid Payments Due to the high dollar amount of eligible expenses, the amount of aid paid is prorated to approximately 28.5%.Due to the high dollar amount of eligible expenses, the amount of aid paid is prorated to approximately 28.5%. Aid is paid in multiple payments (Nov 15%, Dec 15%, Jan 15%, Feb 15%, March 15%, and June 25%)Aid is paid in multiple payments (Nov 15%, Dec 15%, Jan 15%, Feb 15%, March 15%, and June 25%)

Special Ed Aid Payments Because payments start before data auditing is finished, aid eligibility and therefore aid payment amounts may constantly change.Because payments start before data auditing is finished, aid eligibility and therefore aid payment amounts may constantly change. Districts can see aid payments, aid computations, and aid adjustments at the following link.Districts can see aid payments, aid computations, and aid adjustments at the following link.

What’s New on the Horizon? We are planning to roll out a new on- line special education report beginning with the budget!!!!!!!!!!!We are planning to roll out a new on- line special education report beginning with the budget!!!!!!!!!!! It will be what we consider “Phase1” of the entire special education redesign process.It will be what we consider “Phase1” of the entire special education redesign process.

Resources Fund 27 MatrixFund 27 Matrix Special Education Transaction CodingSpecial Education Transaction Coding Special Education Claim DirectionsSpecial Education Claim Directions

Resources Valid Teacher Licenses & Reporting CodesValid Teacher Licenses & Reporting Codes “Special Education” Pupil Transportation“Special Education” Pupil Transportation Special Education Media-Site PresentationsSpecial Education Media-Site Presentations 52cf23-e130-4a9c-b83f-8f8e90b15f cf23-e130-4a9c-b83f-8f8e90b15f41

Contacts Lori Ames Lori Ames Kathy Guralski Kathy Guralski Janette Gosdeck Janette Gosdeck