United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Workshop on the preparation of national communications from non-Annex I Parties Manila, Philippines April 2004 Philip S. Weech Programme Officer Non-Annex I Subprogramme Implementation Programme UNFCCC secretariat
Summary of guidelines Old guidelines (decision 10/CP.2) New guidelines (decision 17/CP.8) Objectives National circumstances National circumstances Inventory of emissions/removals National GHG inventory General description of steps General description of steps – programmes containing measures to facilitate adequate adaptation – programmes containing measures to mitigate climate change Other information Other information – transfer of technologies (4/CP.7) – research and systematic observation (5/CP.5) – education, training and public awareness (Article 6) – capacity-building (2/CP.7) – information and networking Financial and technological Constraints and gaps needs and constraints Submissions
INTRODUCTION F&T National communications is a continuing process, –The objective of the Convention will not be achieved in a short timeframe –It is an ongoing activity for which financial and technical (F&T) support will be required –Resources (F&T) will come from several sources, including but not limited to, the financial mechanism (GEF) to the Convention, multilaterial and bilateral sources and from national resources This section covers the reporting of F&T information under several areas –For national communications, activities relating to CC, –Projects proposed for financing (mitigation, enhancement of sinks) –Pilot & demonstration adaptation projects –Technology transfer and capacity building.
VI. CONSTRAINTS AND GAPS, AND RELATED FINANCIAL, TECHNICAL AND CAPACITY NEEDS 49. Non-Annex I Parties should, in accordance with national circumstances and development priorities, describe any constraints and gaps, and related financial, technical and capacity needs, as well as proposed and/or implemented activities for overcoming the gaps and constraints, associated with the implementation of activities, measures and programmes envisaged under the Convention, and with the preparation and improvement of national communications on a continuous basis.
FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT WHOWHATON WHAT FROM WHOM PARA Party GEF Annex II Bilateral Multilateral NAI Parties should Information for the preparation of national communication -financial resources - technical support 50 NAI Parties should Information for activities relating to climate change -financial resources - technical support 51
A LIST OF PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR FINANCING 52. Non-Annex I Parties are encouraged to provide, to the extent their capacities permit, a list of projects proposed for financing, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 4, of the Convention, in preparation for arranging the provision of technical and financial support. WHOWHATDETAILS TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL DETAILS (IF POSSIBLE) NAI Parties may, on a voluntary basis propose projects for financing including specific technologies, materials, equipment, techniques or practices that would be needed to implement such projects along with, if possible, an estimate of all incremental costs, of the reduction of emissions and increments of removal of GHGs, as well as an estimate of the consequent benefits Article 12, paragraph 4 of the Convention
PILOT AND/OR DEMONSTRATION ADAPTATION PROJECTS WHOON WHAT UndertakenProposed PARA NAI Parties may include Information on opportunities for implementation of adaptation measures 53 + Information on barriers to the implementation of adaptation measures ++ Information on how support programmes from Annex II Parties are meeting their specific needs and concerns relating to V&A to climate change
TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY WHOON WHATPARA NAI Parties are encouraged Information on transfer of technology54 - country-specific technology needs - assistance received from developed country PartiesGEF - how they have utilized this assistance in support of development and enhancement of endogenous capacities technologiesknow- how
CAPACITY-BUILDING WHOON WHATPARA NAI Parties Information on capacity-building relevant needs and/or areas other than those mentioned in: 55 - para. 45Education, training and public awareness (Article 6) - para. 47Integrating capacity- building activities into National medium-term plans subregional long-term plans regional - para. 48Information and networking - para. 50Capacity-building F&T support for the preparation of national communications
VII. SUBMISSION shall be a single document - executive summary - full document hard and electronic copies para. 56 shall submit in one of the official languages of the UN Englishpara. 57 French Translation into English Spanish Chinese Arabic Russian additional supporting information may be technical annex para. 58