Motoring a Web Cam By Kevin Papreck
Definition & Requirements I had to develop a two-axis web cam that can be controlled over the internet. Along with this were some general requirements. These included: The camera can be moved horizontally and vertically from a standard client web browser. Pictures are updated at the browser on demand Pictures update in real-time with the time stamp of the latest picture displayed on the client's screen. The system deals with any racing conditions caused by multiple users The system deals with user permissions and maintains a log of usage The system can center an object He also gave me a web camera gadget board, stepper motors, and the web camera from someone that tried this project in one of the previous years.
Solution Streaming video using TrackerCam and Dorgem and a JavaScript refresh. This made it so the pictures are updated at real time. Streaming video using TrackerCam and Dorgem and a JavaScript refresh. This made it so the pictures are updated at real time. With Dorgem I made it so that it shows the date and time stamp of the latest picture displayed on the client's screen. Designed a pan/tilt using servo motors and a Logitech webcam. Designed a Visual Basic.NET ASP.NET Web Application to move the motors remotely from anywhere on the internet Dealt with user permissions having a login page which is required for anyone to move the motors Dealt with racing conditions, only allowing one user at a time and forcing a signout after 30 seconds of no activity Made a xml database to store log of usage storing user names and the time and date that they logged into the system.
How it Works Client/Server Process Web Application or Web Application Web Application
Exceptions I solved every thing I was asked. The only thing I could not figure out was a zoom function besides the one from the TrackerCam program.
Methodology Step-by-step to completion Streaming video Motor design Pan/tilt windows application Pan/tilt web application Login Add user Deal with multiple users Timer Error Checking Log Visual Studio.NET Research Tutorials
Strategies My best technique had to of been all the experimentation. I went through numerous tutorials and started small. The tutorials took a large portion of time but without them it would have been much harder to adapt to Visual Studio.NET Starting SMALL was huge here. By not jumping into a large mess I was able to figure many problems out by writing small programs that would do nothing or very little to the end result of my project Previous classes especially programming languages with Gbay Visual Studio.NET ASP.NET Visual Basic.NET JavaScript.NET Forms Authentication.NET Remoting.NET Web Services.NET Web Applications
Knowledge Client/Server - This seemed to be the CS concept that applied the most to my project. This concept comes from numerous courses throughout the CS curriculum, especially my networking class. Event Programming - Even though I was only in this class for the first half of the semester it really helped me out in working with Web Forms and all the controls related to it. Programming Languages - This class provided me with the necessary steps to create my project by using my knowledge in Perl and JavaScript in GBay to adapt and use these concepts in the Visual Studio.NET environment
Extensions Bring my project together with other CS Senior Projects. Make web capture that can be integrated into the rest of the project.
Advise My biggest advise is to start early and end early. Go and ask for help when you are stuck. Draw PICTURES!!!
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