19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Global Advocacy Agenda: Process To Date
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Objective A global consultative process under the umbrella of Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention designed to contribute to redefining the Global Advocacy Agenda for PLHIV with the three themes of: 1.Access to Treatment, Prevention, Care and Support 2.Human Rights 3.Community Mobilization and Activism
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Phased Process 6 week process (May-June 2012), including: E-survey (3-21 May 2012) E-consultation (23 May to 17 June 2012) LIVING 2012 Summit July
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C E-survey Respondents were requested to select six issues which are important for them and their community, and they think should be explored further in the e-consultation Respondents were also asked to provide their perspectives on missing information and other concerns, and the importance of these as advocacy priorities. Additional comments received : Access to PTCS (n=156) Human Rights (n=65) Community Mobilization and Activism (n=45) Total (n=266) Survey in English, French, Russian and Spanish
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C E-survey Demographics 712 people registered Gender: over twice as many male as female respondents (485 compared to 220) as well as 7 transgender Age group: 71.2% aged years 24% were 50 years of age and older 4.8% were years of age Length of time living with HIV: 31.6% 16 years or more, 26.7% years and approximately 20% 1-4 years or 5-9 years Region: Europe: 36.8%, n=262Africa: 22.3%, n=159 Latin America: 15.5%, n=110North America: 13.8%,n=98 Asia Pacific: 9.1%, n=65 Caribbean: 1.1%, n=8
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Results: Access to Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support 1.Increasing access to ARV drugs for all those who need them (n=490) 2.Diagnostics (viral load and CD4) (n=288) 3.Socio-economic support (n=285) 4.Psychosocial care (n=269) 5.Treatment as Prevention (n=260) 6.Treatment literacy (n=253)
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Results: Human Rights 1.Criminalization of transmission, exposure and non disclosure (n=401) 2.S&D in the community (n=389) 3.Rights to confidentiality and privacy (n=386) 4.S&D in the workplace (n=332) 5.S&D in health care setting (n=330) 6.Restrictions on entry, stay and residency (n=317)
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Results: Community Mobilization and Activism 1.Funding for the HIV response (n=482) 2.Involvement of PLHIV in policy and decision-making (n=444) 3.PLHIV involvement in service delivery (n=419) 4.Local and national level advocacy (holding governments accountable) (n=388) 5.New science and research (n=372) 6.Capacity building for networks of PLHIV (n=369)
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C E-consultation Based on the e-survey and in consultation with GNP+, a moderated e-consultation process Hosted by NAM Provide a platform for people living with HIV to participate and have their voice heard in the development of the GAA, irrespective of whether attending LIVING 2012 or not English, French and Spanish (+ Google for translation into additional languages)
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C E-consultation Results PTCS: 147 responses, 65 respondents HR: 94 responses, 35 respondents Com Mob and Act : 80 responses, 24 respondents Totals: 321 responses, 124 respondents
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Outcomes 1.The results of the e-survey and e- consultation are compiled in: Three Thematic Papers Summary of Findings 2.Informed the development of the LIVING 2012 agenda 3.Will contribute to redefining the Global Advocacy Agenda
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C LIVING 2012 Summit Held July 2012 Discusssions around 3 themes covering: What are the issues Role(s) of people living with HIV What are the main advocacy asks Mix of plenary sessions and group work Discussions in English, French, Russian and Spanish Highlights of these will be presented in the following three presentations
19-20 JULY 2012 WASHINGTON D.C Process going forward Global Advocacy Agenda aims to bring PLHIV movement together No prioritization of issues as will lead to ‘silo-ization’ Will look for areas of consensus. Highlight where we agree. Where disagree will look for common language and principles i.e. gender, violence, criminalization Different lenses: age, region, gender, key populations Will send out data for validation and input from participants prior to developing Global Advocacy Agenda. The consolidated findings of the e-consultation process and LIVING 2012 Summit will be complied in the LIVING 2012 Report.
LIVING 2012 would like to thank the following sponsors Thank you ….