Business meeting Group 4.2 Sleep and control of breathing Monday September 4 Münich 2006 Prof. J. Verbraecken Prof. S. Andreas
Positions Group Period Sept 2005-May 2006: Group chair: W. De Backer Group secretary: J. Verbraecken December 2005: Elections for new chairman April 2006: Elections for new secretary Period May 2006-May 2009: Group chair: J. Verbraecken Group secretary: S. Andreas
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine 72 participants –From 19 countries: Europe: 60 Outside Europe: 12 –Saoudi Arabia –Israel –Philippines –South Korea –Sout Africa Well evaluated
ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine Attendance figure
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine Did the course match the description in the advertisement: Completely: % Mostly: % Partially: 7.02 % Not at all: 1.75 %
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine How would you evaluate the quality of the course programme (scientifically): Excellent: % Good: % Medium: 1.75 % Low: - Poor: -
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine Did the course meet your expectations: Completely: % Mostly: % Partially: % Not at all: -
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine Are you going to change your daily practice after this course Yes: % Most probably: % Probably not: % No: 7.02 %
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine The choice of the subjects was: Excellent: % Adequate: % Too broad: 1.75 % Too narrow: 1.75 %
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine How would you evaluate the quality of the course organisation – BEFORE the course (information, registration, etc.) Excellent: % Good: % Medium: % Low: 3.51 % Poor: 1.75 %
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine How would you evaluate the quality of the course venue – ON SITE (venue, meeting facilities, restaurant): Excellent: % Good: % Medium: % Low: 3.51 % Poor: -
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine How would you evaluate the support from the staff - ON SITE (organisation, support during the sessions) Excellent: % Good: % Medium: 5.26 % Low: 1.75 % Poor: -
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine How would you evaluate the support from the medical organisers - ON SITE (workshops, timing, session order, etc.) Excellent: % Good: % Medium: % Low: 1.75 % Poor: -
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine How would you evaluate the quality of the technical equipment (audio-visual) Excellent: % Good: % Medium: 5.26 % Low: - Poor: -
Group 4.2 ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine If the same course was organized next year, would you recommend it to your colleagues? Yes: % Probably: % Probably not: 1.75 % No: -
ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine Future New ERS School Course on Sleep Medicine will be organised. End 2007 ? 2008 ? Grenoble ?
Group 4.2 Abstracts 2004 Glasgow 2005 Copenhagen 2006 Münich Abstracts received Abstracts accepted 141 (85%) 177 (81%) 169 (81%)
Group 4.2 Münich Assembly symposium Obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease Upper airway imaging 0 Hot Topic symposium 3 oral presentation sessions 1 poster discussion session 7 Thematic Posters Sessions
Symposia and sessions Attendance Copenhagen 2005 Assembly symposium on Cardiovascular disease and obstructive sleep apnoea: risks and remedy. N=850 (17%) Hot Topic symposium on central sleep apnea: n=210 (9%) Postgraduate course: n=185 Oral presentations: upper airway interventions: n=157 (3%) Sleep apnea in children: n=80 (2%) Metabolic control in OSA: n=60 (2%) Poster discussions: Cardiovascular conseq of OSA: n=80 (1%) CPAP therapy: n=32 (1%)
Group 4.2 Postgraduate course in Copenhagen 2005 Evaluation Speakers made a clear and well organized presentation: 3.95/5 Presentations provided useful information: 4.05/5 Handouts appropriate and helpful: 3.84/5 Slides: 3.89/5 Speakers clarified content in response to questions: 4.05/5 Technical facilities: 4.07/5 Course mean: 3.95/5
Group 4.2 Postgraduate course in Stockholm 2007 Full day postgraduate course: –Diagnostic aspects of sleep apnea –Therapeutic aspects of sleep apna
Website page Group 4.2 Development of portal page with sleep medicine links International Sleep Medicine Societies and Societies with interest in Sleep National Sleep Medicine Societies Journals with interest in sleep Search machines for sleep Organisations for sleep technicians Patients organisations General educational sites on sleep Websites of study groups Congresses and meetings on sleep
Varia Group 4.2 New initiatives ELF Factsheet into Breathe (June 2006) on sleep apnea Translation into German alert: must be read papers
Group 4.2 Travel grants for Sleep Medicine Weinmann Geräte für Medizin GmbH+CO KG 3 x 1000 Euros Winners: –Dr. Maria Pallayova: –“The effect of continuous positive airway pressure on glucose excursions in diabetics with sleep-disordered breathing: the results of continuous glucose monitoring” –Dr. Silke Ryan: –“Predictors of elevated tumour necrosis factor alpha level in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome” –Dr. Yoshihiro Kitahara: –“Effect of CPAP on Brachial-Ankle pulse wave velocity in patients with OSAHS”
Winners of the Travel Grants for Sleep Medicine
Group 4.2 Deadlines for submissions Stockholm Sept 15-19, 2007 –2nd Round Symposia proposals: October 31, 2006 –Hot Topics: December 31, 2006 –Abstracts: February 22, 2007 Congress 2008 –1st Round Symposia proposals: March 31, 2007 –2nd Round Symposia proposals: October 31, 2007 –Hot Topics: December 31, 2007 –Abstracts: ?
Group 4.2 Task force papers An official proposal will be made to start Task Force Group on different items (diagnostics and therapeutics in OSA, CPAP titration, …)