PROTECT Julie Moss Head of Service Child Protection and Child in Need
Why Protect? Child Sexual Exploitation – Priority for Manchester and Salford Multi-agency and partnership working Sharing of knowledge and expertise 12 month project to provide children and families with a specialist multi-agency therapeutic team Prevent children and young people becoming victims of CSE
Project Outline Multi-agency team –Police –Children’s Services –Health –Barnados Co-located 12 month project
Project Objectives Raise awareness of child sexual exploitation to reduce the likelihood of children and young people becoming victims of child sexual exploitation Provide a therapeutic input for children and young people who are victims of child sexual exploitation providing them with support to break free from the abuse Produce specialist parenting programme for families where child sexual exploitation is identified or suspected To identify, investigate, disrupt and prosecute offenders. To evaluate the methods of delivery and capture learning from the Pilot to inform future delivery.
Benefits Specialist multi-agency team Therapeutic interventions Cross boundary approach Sharing of intelligence Management of ‘high risk’ cases Reduced caseloads Awareness raising across agencies and services
Challenges Data collation and analyst support IT systems Awareness raising Role of ‘step down’ services
Case Study Looked After Child under section 20. Commenced CSE case planning meetings ( ). Positives Missing from home reduced no overnight episodes. Engaged with direct work regarding CSE – 11 sessions completed to date. Regular CSE case planning meetings next on Professionals involved liaise and meet on a regular basis Mother agreed to session regarding CSE Behaviours improving reported at recent LAC Review Intelligence pack completed for the police Flagged as CSE victim should further missing from home occur Challenges Concerns ongoing with risk taking behaviours with Peers. Engaging mother with plans to safeguard.
Next Steps Evaluation of outcomes – data analyst to be appointed Consideration will be given to including Trafford Council in the PROTECT project. Health Professional from Salford to become part of the team Information has been shared with the responsible authorities panel to alert both hoteliers and taxi drivers to ensure they are better placed to identify potential victims and alert the authorities of the individuals concerned. All environmental health staff are attending a one day training course in December on CSE to ensure they are aware of risk indicators when undertaking their duties. Elected members of the licensing committee will be presented with a presentation re CSE and the responsibilities of the committee in ensuring licenses are agreed in line with polices being mindful of the need to protect the public.