DRUMBEAT: Music & Alternate Therapies for People with Brain Injury
Art, Music & Health People engaging in arts related activities, often experience a sense of well being, including a combination of physical, social, emotional and physical outcomes (Rosenberg, 2008). Traditionally, art has not been measured using the same methods as conventional health interventions. The impact of music on arousal and mood is well established (Hussain et al, 2002). Exposure to music can increase performance on cognitive tasks (Hussain et al, 2002).
Review of Alternative Therapies and BI Music therapy best form of intervention for apathy in people with severe TBI (Lane-Brown, 2009) Also shown to improve executive functioning, adjustment, social interaction, mood & QOL in ABI patients. 4 sessions of neurological music therapy reduced anxiety & stress and increased mood. Singing programs increase variability, voice range and mood in patients with PD, TBI (Baker et al., 2005 Haneishi et al., 2001).
The Effects of Drumming on Health Drum circles have been used as a healing ritual in many cultures worldwide for years, and is now being increasingly used as a contemporary therapeutic strategy (Bittman, 2001). It has been used for a number of different therapeutic purposes, including as a way to treat a variety of behavioural issues, such as anger management, team building, substance abuse recovery, as well as increasing self-esteem and developing leadership skills. Participants in drumming circles report drumming gives them a sense of cohesion and a number of positive psychological and physical effects- “calming”, “reduces stress”, “make me feel good” and “help’s me ‘fit in’.
DRUMBEAT Evidence School studies: Significantly increased self-esteem (10%), 29% of students had decrease in behavioural incidents & 33% had decrease in absenteeism. Mental Illness: Qualitative reports of improvements in self esteem, mood, concentration and motivation. Migrant groups: Improved self esteem
WorseSameBetter R/ship with peers003 R/ship with staff030 Emotional Control 030 Teamwork012 Self-esteem003 Focus/ Concentration 003 Mood003 Ratings of changes by others
DRUMBEAT Quotes “The drumming group brought up things we don’t normally talk about and we kept talking about it in the car on the way home” “I loved seeing Nathan and Veronica every week. It gave me something to do and stopped me feeling lonely.”
Questionnaires All respondents (6 staff, 6 ABI, 2 carers) reported that: They were very satisfied with the DRUMBEAT program Enjoyed the program, Knew more about the people they worked with, Felt part of a team Were more aware of factors that influenced relationships Would recommend the program to others