UNESCO Communication and Information Sector Information Meeting 31 March 2011 Jānis Kārkliņš, ADG/CI 1
Major Programme V: Overarching Objective Building inclusive knowledge societies through communication and information Equitable Open Inclusive Pluralistic 2
3 Development Democracy Freedom of expression Freedom of information Development of communication Access to information and knowledge Dialogue CI’s mission: to assist Member States in the achievement of internationally agreed development goals and commitments
CI flagship activities and projects World Press Freedom Day/ Guillermo Cano WPF Prize Intergovernmental Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC ) UNESCO Media Development Indicators Building centres of excellence in journalism education Memory of the World Programme World Digital Library initiative Follow-up and implementation of WSIS outcomes in light of 2015 review Use of ICTs in education and science (including ICT CFT) Information for All Programme (IFAP ) 4
CI at Headquarters Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information 1 ADG 3 GS staff Division for Freedom of Expression, Democracy & Peace 1 Director 6 Professionals, 3 GS staff Communication Development Division 1 Director 7 Professionals 1 Associate Expert 5 GS staff Information Society Division 1 Director 12 Professionals 2 Associate Experts 5 GS staff Executive Office (including AO/UCE/IKM) 6 Professionals 10 GS staff Total 64 staff members: 38 Professionals (incl. 3 Associate Experts) and 26 General Service staff 5
CI in the Field 6 Sector in 34 UNESCO Offices 20 Advisers for Communication & Information (ACI) 16 National Programme Officers (NPO) ARAB STATES ACI posts: Cairo Rabat Ramallah Baghdad (special assignment until 2011) NPO posts: Amman Beirut Doha ARAB STATES ACI posts: Cairo Rabat Ramallah Baghdad (special assignment until 2011) NPO posts: Amman Beirut Doha ASIA/PACIFIC ACI posts: Apia Bangkok *Beijing *Jakarta *New Delhi Tehran NPO posts: Almaty New Delhi *Islamabad (3 emergency temp posts) Associate expert: Kathmandu ASIA/PACIFIC ACI posts: Apia Bangkok *Beijing *Jakarta *New Delhi Tehran NPO posts: Almaty New Delhi *Islamabad (3 emergency temp posts) Associate expert: Kathmandu LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN ACI posts: Kingston Montevideo Quito San Jose NPO posts: Brasilia Havana Kingston LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN ACI posts: Kingston Montevideo Quito San Jose NPO posts: Brasilia Havana Kingston EUROPE & NORTH AMERICA NPO posts: *Moscow New York (shared with BPI/ERC) * Vacant Posts
Division of Freedom of Expression Advocacy & Awareness Raising and Monitoring; World Press Freedom Day and Guillermo Cano Prize Press releases condemning journalist killings Media Law and Regulatory Framework; Media and press laws Freedom of information laws Defamation laws under civil code PSB frameworks Internet provision and telecommunications laws and regulations Best practices sharing 7
Division of Freedom of Expression Safety of Media Professionals ; Promoting international standards in the field (with other UN agencies) Building capacity of media professionals Mapping and countering impunity (IPDC Council 2010 decision) Advocacy work (mainly with large professional organizations and specialized NGOs) Ethical and Professional Standards Media Accountability Systems Power of Peace Network 8
Division of Media Development Community Media development Support to Public Service Broadcasting Setting standards for journalism education Model Curricula for journalist education is adapted by 63 journalism education institutions in 51 countries Support to 20 potential centers of excellence and reference in journalism education in Africa Communication for development 9
IPDC Donor contributions $ 1,851,924 $ 2,020,797 $ 2,480,780 Projects approved Countries supported Funds allocated $ 1,786,510 $ 2,114,640 $ 2,315,780
Division of Media Development Media development indicators (6 countries completed, 6 – on-going) Legal and regulatory framework Plurality and diversity of media Media as a platform for democratic discourse Professional capacity building Infrastructural capacity Media and Information Literacy MIL curricula MIL indicators 11
Division of Information Society Use of ICTs for education, science, culture OER platform ICT Competency Framework for Teachers Open Access to scientific information WSIS implementation and follow-up IGF WSIS Forum UNGIS Multilingualism in cyberspace Access for persons with special needs 12
Division of Information Society Preservation and digital preservation of information Memory of the World Register Libraries and archives Digital preservation World Digital Library IFAP 13
Major Programme V: Budget Breakdown Main Line of Action Regular Budget Extra- budgetary resources Activities $ Personnel $ Total 35 C/5 Approved $ MLA 1: Promoting freedom of expression and access to information MLA 2: Strengthening free, independent and pluralistic media and communication for development MLA 3: Fostering universal access to information and knowledge and the development of infostructures * TOTAL Major Programme V ($)
Distribution of Funds 15
Accents in CI’s activities for next months Enhanced engagement with Member States Promotion of freedom of expression on the Internet Ethical and Professional Standards in Journalism Promoting community media and fostering Community multimedia centers (CMCs) Strengthening of the Memory of the World program Revisiting the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage Streamlining WSIS follow-up and implementation activities in the light of the 2015 review Mainstreaming gender issues within CI programs Increased intersectoral cooperation with all UNESCO Sectors Seeking EXB funds for CI program activities and projects 16
Thank you 17