Counselling Level 3 Week 18 Comparing Different Counselling Approaches
You will be invited to Check in with yourself and the group Share understanding of key features of psychodynamic therapies with the tutor and the group Record availability for Saturdays/additional sessions on the sheets provided Participate in an exercise matching statements about counselling with the relevant therapeutic approach. Start planning your third assessment using the planning document and books provided.
What is Psychodynamic Counselling? Psychodynamic counselling is derived from the psychoanalytic tradition which has its origins in the work of Sigmund Freud, born in Austria in The word “psychodynamic” is now commonly used to describe models of therapy which have evolved from classical psychoanalysis. These models have retained many of the skills and techniques which Freud pioneered, as well as many of the concepts which derive from his original work. However, contemporary approaches also reflect significant departures and developments from the original theory; and changes in society and the world.
Key Movements and Contributors Classical psychoanalysis: Freud (1856 – 1939) Analytical Psychology: Jung (1875 – 1939) Individual psychology: Adler (1870 – 1937) Ego Psychology: Hartman (1894 – 1970), Anna Freud (1895 – 1932), Erikson (1902 – 1994) Object Relations Theory or Neo Freudians: Klein (1882 – 1960), Horney (1885 – 1952), Winnicott ( ), Fairbairn ( ), Bowlby (1907 – 1990) Transactional Analysis: Berne (1910 – 1970)
Some Key ideas and Ways of Working in Psychodynamic Counselling Unconscious motivation Id ego and super-ego Psycho-sexual stages of development (and other stages) Significance of childhood experience (including Attachment Theory) Connecting Past and Present Anxiety and defence Mechanisms
Key Ideas and Ways and Working in Psychodynamic Counselling Transference and counter-transference Working with dreams and symbols Free Association Interpretation.
Exercise Mark each of the statements provided with “psy”, “cbt”, or “hum” (Corey, 2009)
Assessment 3 Read the letter from Edward Eccles. Discuss what you need to know/do in order to provide a response which meets the needs of Mr Eccles and Ascentis prescribed outcomes: TA1.1, Explain key characteristics and concepts of humanistic theory, psychodynamic theory and cognitive behaviour theory. TA1.2, Summarize the key strengths and weaknesses of the three main approaches to counselling. You are welcome to use the planning document provided to help with this assignment. Bring your planning document to the session.
Reference Corey, Gerald (2009) Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. International Edition 9. Canada: Brooks/Cole. Next Week Mindfulness