CAPA’s Efforts in 2015 and Beyond David A Patterson Silver Wolf, PhD
CAPA Partnership Model
2015 Worker Trainings April: What does science say about retaining clients in services: Strategies for organizations and workers? June: Clinically-based technologies: Effective and easy-to-use tools to improve addiction services. Aug: Science verses marketing: Which addiction interventions should workers use and which ones are not scientifically supported? Oct: Bringing science to our services: Outcomes from CAPA’s research, teaching and learning efforts.
Research Manuscripts Perkins, K. et al. (Under review). Mapping the evidence to improve retention rates in addiction services. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. Patterson, D.A., & van den Berk-Clark, C. (Under review). Are workers likely to use a new empirically supported treatment as required? Research on Social Work Practice. Patterson, D.A. & Ramsey, A.T. (Under review). Do organizational expectations influence workers' implementation perceptions? Psychological Services. Ramsey, A.T., et al. (2015). Provider-agency fit in addiction treatment facilities: Implications for job satisfaction and evidence-based practice implementation. BMC Research Notes, 8, 194.
Student-scholar led Manuscripts Gaddie, K., et al. (In-press). Biofeedback as a Treatment Method for Anxiety Disorders and Substance Abuse: A Brief Report. Counselor. Sipple, S., et al. (In-press). Most Common and Effective Treatment Practices for Substance Use Disorders. Counselor. Claunch, K., et al. (In-press). Therapeutic Alliance in Substance Abuse Treatment. Counselor. McPherson, D., et al. (2015). Substance Use Disorder Compared to Other Mental Disorders. Counselor, 16, Wisser, N., et al. (2015). Utilizing Smartphone Technologies in Recovery Services. Counselor, 16, Ford, T. et al. (2014). Best approaches to substance abuse prevention. Counselor, 15,
2015 Research Annual Worker Survey – transitioned to on-line survey – 2 Waves CAPA partners provided reports on outcomes Which EBPs are being used in services?
Research Annual Worker Survey – transitioned to on-line survey – 2 Waves CAPA partners provided reports on outcomes Basic worker demos Which EBPs are being used? What would move workers to use a new empirically supported treatment (EST)?
If you were trained to use an EST, would you use if…
Practice experience Vs Science? 27%
Research Annual Worker Survey – transitioned to on-line survey – 2 Waves CAPA partners provided reports on outcomes Which EBPs are being used? What would move workers to use a new EST? Bringing science into offices/interactions
Worker Emotions
Emotion Software
Track counseling sessions
Guiding Clinical Practice - Using Data Assumption therapists are equally effective across all client factors Ask any addiction/behavioral health professional: –In the past year, what is your treatment completion rate? –In the past year, what’s the average number of counseling sessions your clients attended? –Who are you most/least effective with? (gender, race, age, diagnosis, etc.) – Services are not guided by data Where is this data?
Workers collect large amounts of data one-way
Workers collect large amounts of data Dashboard
CAPA Clinical Dashboard
Using Ecological Momentary Assessment Eco Mom Ass Does not translate into practice Using smart phones to: –Remain engaged with clients (retention) –Send and receive data –Post-treatment follow ups –Goes to EMR and populates dashboard
2015 and beyond… Fund & implement our clinical dashboard Will bring data and performance measures to services Clinical coaching & hiring will change – develop a team of pros Need room to evaluate, alter reimbursement as we go Improve quality of care and lower costs CAPA’s efforts - Bringing science to services
Thank you – Questions?