Click the House in the lower right hand corner to move on Don’t hit the mouse or the arrow or the space bar key
1$1001$100 2$2002$200 3$3003$300 4$5004$500 6$2,0006$2,000 7$4,0007$4,000 8$8,0008$8,000 9$16,0009$16,000 11$64,00011$64,000 12$125,00012$125,000 13$250,00013$250,000 14$500,00014$500,000 5$1,0005$1,000 10$32,00010$32,000 15$1 MILLION15$1 MILLION
A. Albert Einstein He thought that much of human behavior was irrational B. Adolf Hitler C. Winston ChurchillD. Sigmund Freud
A. Japan All of these countries pledged to undo the decision of the Versailles Treaty EXCEPT: B. Germany C. BritainD. Italy
A. Fascism This is the idea that one should find his or her own meaning in life. B. Nationalism C. NazismD. Existentialism
A. Political ties to other countries should be avoided What was the goal of U.S. isolationists after WWI? B. To become like the Chinese C. Industrial ties to other countries should be avoided D. To combat Nazi invasions
A. To gain iron and coal Why did Japan invade Manchuria? B. To revenge an ancient grudge C. To end communism in China D. To obey terms of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
A.Brought the US out of isolationism What effect did the nonaggression pact between the Nazis and the Soviets have on the balance of power in Europe? B. Allowed Axis powers to continue unchecked C. Forced Allies to abandon Appeasement policy D. All of the Above
A. A Communist revolution What fear added to the appeal of Fascism in Italy and Germany? B. A loss of individual rights C. Government ties to industry D. All of the above
A.Border changes caused people to find themselves in the wrong country Which of the following is NOT a reason for the high number of displaced persons after WWII? B. US deported Japanese to Japan C. POWs tried to return to their homelands D. Holocaust survivors searched for missing loved ones
A. Communism The Munich conference came to symbolize the danger in what? B. Appeasement C. negotiationD. militarism
A.Germany has a powerful airforce What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain? D. The RAF needed more planes C. That Hitler could be blocked B. The British were inferior
A.The balance of power in the Pacific shifted to US What was significant about the Battle at Midway? B. Marked the end of WWII C. Destroyed the Japanese army D.Caused Hitler to commit suicide
A.Focus in North Africa to protect oil What was the Allies plan for victory over the Nazis? B. Allies would join on eastern front C. Fight Germany on two fronts D. Instigate operation Torch
A. The use of nuclear bombs Which of the following was addressed by the Nuremberg Trials? B. The Holocaust C. The firebombing of Dresden D. The internment of Japanese-Americans citizens
A. They were both terms used by the Germans to describe their plan for permanent removal of the Jewish population How were the Holocaust and Hitler's "Final Solution" related? B. Holocaust is the term for the genocide that resulted from the plan called the "Final Solution." C. The "Final Solution" was the plan Hitler meant to follow after the Holocaust was complete D. The Holocaust and the "Final Solution" were not related
A. Adolf Hitler’s assassination “Surrender amid Firestorm and Thousands of Lost Lives…” would be a newspaper headline most associated with what event of WWII? B. The invasion of France C. The Axis surrender in Europe D. The Axis Surrender in the Pacific
End of Game Instructions & answer slides follow
Setting up Game Use the Edit menu and Replace… to insert questions and answers. In the Find box, type in “Question X” (where X is the question number, 1 through 15). In the Replace box, type in the question. Then, enter “Answer X-1” and the first answer, “Answer X-2” and the second answer, etc. (Capitalize as indicated.) To set up the Lifeline slides (Slides 37-51): –1. Select the first answer to be eliminated by clicking on the text of the answer. Select the text and delete it. (This should leave a blank hexagon.) –2.Repeat with the second eliminated answer, and then repeat with each further slide. To set up the Answer slides (Slides 21-35): –1. Select the hexagon behind the correct answer by right-clicking on the hexagon. (Click above or below the answer text to avoid selecting the text instead. Once selected, the hexagon should have a rectangular border around it.) Select Format Autoshape; choose the Colors and Lines tab, choose the Fill color and change its color to light green. (The green should be provided in the bottom row of colors.) –2. Repeat with each further slide. Slides are the Money Won slides. On the title screen, the finger icon will link to a Fastest Finger slide, if you would like to use it. To set up the Fastest Finger slide (Slide 70), fill in the Fastest Finger question, and the four answers. On the answer slide (Slide 71), replace each orange question mark with the letter of the appropriate answer in order, starting at the top. Fill in the answer corresponding to each letter accordingly. Clicking on the ? icon on Slide 70 will go to the answer slide; clicking on the house icon will link to the main game board. USAGE NOTE: the Fastest Finger question slide includes the music for Fastest Finger; this music is 25 seconds long. Use the music as a timer; when the music ends, go to the answer slide.
Setting up Game The Phone-a-Friend lifeline can be used to ask one other student to help out. Clicking on the Phone-a-Friend lifeline icon will link to a 30-second timer slide. The timer will begin on a mouse-click, and will count down to zero. Once the slide reaches zero, clicking on the curved arrow icon will return to the previous slide (the question slide). USAGE NOTE: the question and answers are not visible during the clock countdown, and returning to the question slide before the clock finishes will reset the clock. The Ask-the-Audience lifeline can be used to ask the entire class, who gives their votes for the correct answer by letter. Clicking on the Ask-the-Audience lifeline icon will link to a chart slide. Clicking on the chart will open Microsoft Excel; click on the “Enter Scores Here” tab to enter the class votes for each answer, then click on the “Chart” tab so the chart will be visible. Go to the File menu and choose Close and Return… to return to the slide show. Clicking on the curved arrow icon will return to the previous slide (the question slide). ICONS: –? Takes you to the answer slide –Star Takes you from the answer slide to the Money Won slide –House Takes you back to the Cash Board If using the game for another person or another class, close the game and re-open it (this is to reset the links on the game board back to orange).
A. Albert Einstein Correct! B. Adolf Hitler C. Winston ChurchillD. Sigmund Freud
A. Japan Correct! B. Germany C. BritainD. Italy
A. Fascism Correct! B. Nationalism C. NazismD. Existentialism
A. Political ties to other countries should be avoided Correct! B. CD.
A. To gain coal and iron Correct! D. To revenge an ancient grudge B.To end communism in China D. To obey terms of the Kellogg-Briand Pact
A.Brought US out of isolationism Correct! B. Allowed Axis powers to continue unchecked C. Forced Allies to abandon Appeasement policy D. All of the above
A. Border changes caused people to find themselves in the wrong country Correct! B. US deported Japanese to Japan C. POWs tried to return to their homelands D. Holocaust survivors searched for missing loved ones
A. Communism Correct! C. nationalismD. militarism B. appeasement
A. Communist revolution Correct! B. Loss of individual rights C. Government ties to industry D. All of the above
A. Germany had a powerful airforce Correct! B. The British were inferior C. That Hitler could be blocked D. The RAF needed more planes
A. Balance of power shifted in favor of the US Correct! B. Marked the end of WWII C. Destroyed the Japanese army D. Caused Hitler to commit suicide
A. Focus in North Africa to protect oil Correct! B. Allies would join on eastern front C. Fight Germany on 2 frontsD. Instigate operation torch
A. The use of nuclear bombs Correct! B. The Holocaust C. The firebombing of Dresden D. The internment of Japanese- Americans citizens
Correct! A. They were both terms used by the Germans to describe their plan for permanent removal of the Jewish population B. Holocaust is the term for the genocide that resulted from the plan called the "Final Solution." C. The "Final Solution" was the plan Hitler meant to follow after the Holocaust was complete D. The Holocaust and the "Final Solution" were not related
A. Adolf Hitler’s assassination Correct! B. Invasion of France C. Axis surrenders in Europe D. Axis surrenders in the Pacific
50-50 Lifeline Slides
He thought that much of human behavior was irrational C. Winston Churchill D. Sigmund Freud
All of these countries pledged to undo the decision of the Versailles Treaty EXCEPT: C. BritainD. Italy
A. Fascism This is the idea that one should find his or her own meaning in life. D. Existentialism
A. Political ties to other countries should be avoided What was the goal of U.S. isolationists after WWI? B. To become like the Chinese
A. To gain iron and coal Why did Japan invade Manchuria? C. To end communism in China
A. Brought US out of isolationism What effect did the nonaggression pact between the Nazis and the Soviets have on the balance of power in Europe? B. Allowed Axis powers to continue unchecked
A. Communist revolution What fear added to the appeal of Fascism in Italy and Germany? B. Loss of individual rights
Which of the following is NOT a reason for the high number of displaced persons after WWII? B. US deported Japanese to Japan C. POWs tried to return to their homeland
The Munich conference came to symbolize the danger in what? B. appeasement C. nationalism
What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain? B. The British were inferior C. Hitler could be stopped
A. Balance of power shifted in favor of the US What was significant about the Battle at Midway? B. Marked the end of WWII
What was the Allies plan for victory over the Nazis? C. Fight Germany on 2 frontsD. Instigate operation Torch
Which of the following was addressed by the Nuremberg Trials? B. The Holocause D. The internment of Japanese-Americans citizens
What was the goal of Hitler's "Final Solution"? B. winning the war before the Americans It was a system for entered D. was genocide of people the Nazis considered inferior
“Surrender amid Firestorm and Thousands of Lost Lives…” would be a newspaper headline most associated with what event of WWII? C. Axis surrenders in Europe D. Axis surrenders in the Pacific
Fastest Finger slide to follow
Fastest Finger Question A. F.F. Answer 1B. F.F. Answer 2 C. F.F. Answer 3D. F.F. Answer 4
?. F.F. Answer ?
“Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” Powerpoint (Advanced) Template Designed and Created by Jeff White Copyright © 2000 Version Last updated 20 June, 2001 The graphics and sounds used in this template are recorded from the television show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire,” and were obtained from both the ABC “WWTBAM” website and theABC “WWTBAM” website ITV “WWTBAM” website.ITV “WWTBAM” website ABCABC is the American Broadcasting Corporation; ITV is the Channel 3 (UK) broadcasting company.ITV Visit for updated versions!