A UNIT FOR GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 3, GRADES 5-8 GREEN CITIES Training led by Maggie Legates, Delaware Geographic Alliance and Michael Weyrauch, Caesar Rodney.


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Presentation transcript:

A UNIT FOR GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 3, GRADES 5-8 GREEN CITIES Training led by Maggie Legates, Delaware Geographic Alliance and Michael Weyrauch, Caesar Rodney School District- February 2012 Delaware Department of Education Social Studies Coalition of Delaware Delaware Geographic Alliance

CREDITS: Authors Maureen Greenly and Barbara Prillaman from Red Clay Consolidated S.D. Co-author and editor Maggie Legates, Delaware Geographic Alliance Development funding from Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant, US Dept. of Education Writing project Coordinator Fran O’Malley, UD Instructional materials from Delaware Geographic Alliance, National Geographic Society, Historic St. Mary’s City, Kalmar Nyckel Society and others.

TODAY’S AGENDA: Morning Session:  Review DRC design principles  “Unpack” Geography Standard 3 and middle school benchmark  Review unit transfer task and rubric  Break  Review selected activities from lesson 1  LUNCH on your own Afternoon Session:  Lessons 2 and 3- selected activities  Break  The Performance Task- Designing Emerald City  Wrap Up

TODAY’S GOALS: Add to knowledge and appreciation of geographic principles Showcase good lessons and activities, instructional materials Share assessment tools, differentiation opportunities, extensions and adaptations. Collaborate, network, and grow!

DRC PRINCIPLES: Plan Backward based on a thorough understanding of the standard and benchmark Become familiar with the “target” performance or demonstration of knowledge and skill students will meet at the end of the unit Internalize the level of rigor required by examining the rubric or measurement tool Become familiar with the instructional plan, resources, references Adjust learning plan to learner progress using interim assessments, scaffolding when needed


GEOGRAPHY STANDARD 3: Students will develop an understanding of the diversity of human cultures and the unique nature of places.

BENCHMARK FOR GRADES 6-8: Students will identify and explain the major cultural patterns of human activity in the world’s sub- regions.

WHAT ARE THE MAIN IDEAS? Places are unique combinations of physical and human attributes Site and Situation both influence the development of places Cultures Differ in Organization and use of Space Cultural ideas can change over time


PRIOR KNOWLEDGE In this unit you have examined the idea of place. You have learned to identify important human and physical features of a site. You have learned how the geographic situation affects the lives of people in the place. You know that culture affects the way people build and change their neighborhoods, towns and cities. These are the main ideas covered in the learning activities of this unit, but also in prior years.

You are a city planner for New Hale. Your company would like to get the job of planning a modern city called “Emerald City”. Your job will be to help prepare a plan for the new city that will meet the needs of the residents. If your plan is selected, your company will continue to work on this project until the city is finished. PLAN A GREEN CITY PROBLEM:

The 50,000 people who will be living and working in Emerald City are committed to living the “green” way of life. They value technology as a way of making their life more convenient and reducing their impact on the environment. Emerald City residents like to spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy beautiful scenery and green space where they can exercise and gather for social and sports events. “Green” PERSPECTIVE

Here are their requests: 1.The city should look and feel modern and tech-friendly. 2.The city should have clean, unpolluted air. 3.Most energy should come from wind power, hydroelectric power, or solar power. 4.There should be plenty of room for outdoor activities and sports. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESIDENTS WITH “GREEN PERSPECTIVE”:

You will prepare a presentation for the bid opening. Each team will get only 3 minutes to explain their plan. Work together to make the most of the time allowed to persuade the Emerald City Planner Search Committee that you have the best plan. Use the printed form provided by the Search Committee to put together a hand-out. Include evaluations of the geographic site, situation, and cultural needs and perspectives of the residents. PRODUCTS

 Include a clear concise description or “vision” of Emerald City, the place of the future.  Explain why you have selected the best spot for the city from the four choices offered.  Explain how your design accomplishes the goals of the new residents What makes for an excellent presentation? CRITERIA FOR AN EXEMPLARY RESPONSE

Students evaluate the site and situation


WHAT DOES THE TRANSFER TASK REQUIRE OF STUDENTS? To be successful students must know…. Please list vocabulary, concepts, etc. To be successful, students must be able to …. Please list geographic and presentation skills…

HOW THE RUBRIC IS USEFUL Shows what content knowledge, skills, vocabulary will be essential Signals depth of knowledge and skill expected Shows how students will be expected to demonstrate their learning-presentation skills Acts as a form of scaffolding – can be used as a checklist


LESSON 1- THE FACE OF A PLACE Review prior instruction (Places and regions units from grade 3) Unique nature of places- photo comparisons Site and situation- reading and comparison strategies

LESSON 2- PATTERNS AND PLANS FOR AMERICAN CITIES Gaining information from text and graphics- informational slideshows Green Cities Extending knowledge through text and graphics (Werewocomoco / Jamestown comparison using poster from National Geographic) Refining and extending- jigsaw method and reading

LESSON 3: GREEN IDEAS CHANGE CITY DESIGNS Connect to prior learning Students learn through reading strategies about how American ideas of city design evolved through the years. (chunking, other proficient reading strategies) Interpreting historical maps, etc.- comparing and contrasting Modeling spatial arrangements

LESSON 4- DESIGNING SUSTAINABLE CITIES Using reading strategies (Pre- and post- strategies) and graphic organizers to learn about sustainability and sustainable development Predicting and visioning the future based on past development

DOES THE INSTRUCTION PREPARE STUDENTS FOR THE PERFORMANCE TASK? Key vocabulary Required geographic knowledge Practice with required geographic skills and transfer Scaffolding for attacking a complex task Choices of modes of expression (written answers, oral answers, sketch maps and drawings)