TEAM CALL March 2015
WELCOME Please comment below if this is your first call!
TONIGHT’S AGENDA Recognition New System The Fortune is in the FOLLOW UP! Q & A
DID YOU KNOW? Only 3% of Jewelry Consultants in the Direct Sales industry follow up after a customer purchases from them? We think we are being pushy, when in reality, we are serving them.
DID YOU KNOW? If you DO these follow up calls, your business will grow by 50%! Who would like that?
HOW? A proven, SIMPLE SYSTEM, from TOP Industry expert Belinda Ellsworth Belinda Ellsworth: Guest speaker at Director Day of SOAR in Nashville Video at the Spring Launch Events Sponsoring webinar – WATCH IT TONIGHT!
WHERE’S THAT WEBINAR? Log into your back office and then click… o O2 Academy o Business Academy o Sponsoring Picture o Bullet #4 “How to Share” o “Sponsoring: The Life Line of Your Business” – register for the webinar, pop some popcorn, and get ready to take notes! Trust me, it’s GOOD!
TONIGHT’S CALL FOCUS: The Simple Follow-Up System for Success 2+2+2= 50% increase in YOUR business!
2 DAYS after a purchase
2 DAYS…AFTER A PURCHASE Call just to say Thank YOU! Then pause... they'll usually tell you how much they {LoVE} their locket or how excited they are to receive it. People stay excited about purchases for about 2 days. Catch that window! 8% will ADD to their order. "Is it too late to add that dangle?" 20% will book a Jewelry Bar with you!
WHY 2 DAYS LATER??? It's likely they've shared their purchase with their friends, family and co-workers and those people are now excited and want a Take Out Menu or want to know more, BUT, they don't want to call you. IF you call her, she'll ask for Take Out Menus to share. This is where you let her know about having a Take Out Party so that she can earn even more awesome O2 goodies! Some will definitely want to schedule a home show or even an office party. Have your calendar handy!
AND… It builds your reputation as a solid Designer who cares for her customers. This is most impactful with an actual phone call, not an or text. PICK UP THE PHONE! They can hear the heartfelt thanks in your voice. It helps you make an emotional connection with your customers It's the attitude of gratitude!
2 WEEKS after a purchase
2 WEEKS…AFTER A PURCHASE Make a 'service' call. Ask how they're enjoying their locket? If it was a gift, how did the person react? Ask if they have any questions about their Origami Owl Jewelry?
2 WEEKS…AFTER A PURCHASE They'll most likely share a fun or heartwarming story with you about their Locket. This call, like the Day 2 call, is ALL about THEM! You're building a relationship with quality customer care. They'll start referring you to others. They know you'll take care of their friends and family. They trust YOU!
2 MONTHS after a purchase
2 MONTHS…AFTER A PURCHASE Make it personal. Check their social media accounts, see what's new with them! "I saw your daughter is graduating in May, that's wonderful! Congratulations!" Ask if there's anything you can currently do for them? Let them know about the latest and greatest from Origami Owl o Current Hostess Exclusives o Featured Items of the Month o Limited Edition Items o NEW Product Launches
2 MONTHS…AFTER A PURCHASE Ask for the booking! Have your calendar handy. This is the step most people don't do, but it is the MOST important. You've spent all this time building a relationship. She trusts you, she likes you, she knows she can count on you. You have a ton of amazing things to offer HER! WHY wouldn't she book? ASK her to!
FINAL THOUGHTS… Remember, not everyone will say YES, and that's okay! This Simple System IS proven to grow your business by 50%, which means at least 1/2 of them WILL… o Add on to their order o Schedule a Jewelry Bar with you o Refer you to their circle of friends/family/co-workers
FINAL THOUGHTS… Referrals lead to sales, bookings, and NEW Team Members! Word of mouth is HUGE in this business. What are your customers saying about you? What do you want them to say about you? ALL of this leads to a bigger, better business for YOU! Plant the seeds of success + capitalize on your spring launch Jewelry Bars!
CALL TO ACTION TIME! NEW DESIGNERS: 100 No's Challenge! Reach out to everyone you think would be interested in hosting, joining or learning more about making their own Living Locket. Use the next 24 hours to make calls, calling is the MOST effective. You can also text, Facebook message, or . No mass communication though…make it personal. You want them to feel the {LoVE}. Keep calling and reaching out till you get 100 people to say NO. Sounds crazy, right? It's NOT! PRoMISE! It's genius, because think how often you WILL hear YES along the way!!! Call as many people as it takes. Have your calendar handy + be ready to schedule those Jewelry Bars!
CALL TO ACTION TIME! SEASONED DESIGNERS: Start the TODAY! Collect all customer/hostess contact info from the past 2 months. Start with the most recent. o If they've purchased within the 7 day time frame, use the 2 day follow up tips. o If they've purchased within the 2 week time frame, use the 2 week follow up tips. o If they've purchased within the 2 month time frame, use the 2 month follow up tips. Create a 'follow up' calendar or system that will work for you now and in the future. Maybe it's 3 folders, or maybe it's electronic, whatever works best for YOU! Start making those follow up CALLS! Have your calendar handy + be ready to schedule those Jewelry Bars!