Welcome to AP Biology with Ms. Poole Get the papers from the front of the class!
The Name Game Get up from your seat and find someone else in the room. Tell them your name and give them an explanation about where you name came from – Where you named after a family member? Celebrity? – Do you like your name? – If not, what would you rather be called? – If so, why do you like it?
Introductions Graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Enjoy cooking, yoga, teaching, biology, and research
Grading System Homework/Classwork: 50% Participation: 10% Assessments: 40%
Jupiter Grades
Classroom Expectations We will respect each other, ourselves, and our classroom This means… – No food or drink in the classroom – No talking while others are speaking – No distracting behaviors during class
Consequences and Rewards 1 st offense: Warning 2 nd offense: Detention 3 rd offense: Referral
My Classroom Philosophy RESPECT! I respect each of you for all that you do every day and I expect respect from you for what I do I also expect that you respect each other
Entering Class As you enter class you will pick up all necessary papers on the front table You will then turn in any assignments to the box at the front of the classroom. – If it isn’t turn in to the box the first minute of class it is marked late Next, begin working on your warm-up even if it is before the bell has rung
During Class There will be no use of electronic devices during class. I see it …. – Once- I hold on to your device until the end of class – Twice- I hold on to your device and return it to your dean – More than twice- I arrange with your parents for you to check your phone in and out of my classroom
Leaving Class Clean up any class materials and turn in any assignments to the box Write down your homework assignments in your planner
Tardiness You are considered tardy if you are not across the threshold of the door by the time the bell stops ringing. If you are tardy, you are not permitted to enter the classroom without a note (no matter what your story is)
About the Exam There are four main ideas we will focus on in this class – The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. – Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building block to grow, reproduce and maintain dynamic homeostasis. – Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes. – Biological systems interact. These systems and their interactions possess complex properties.
About the Exam There is an emphasis on science practices What would be an example of a science practice?
Science Practices The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems. The student can use mathematics appropriately. The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or guide investigations within the context of the AP course The student can plant and implement data collection strategies appropriate to a particular scientific question The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence The student can work with scientific explanations and theories The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts and representations in and across domains.
Statistics There is an emphasis on statistics and math on the exam. What are some statistical tools we may use in biology??
Statistics We will focus on: – Standard deviation – Standard error of the mean – Chi squared analysis – T-tests – Average – Graphical analysis – Lines of best fit – Extrapolating and interpolating graphical data
Preparation for the Exam Daily warm-ups Unit Exams Labs ‘Strive for Five Book’ In class modeling activities Statistics practice Data analysis practice Graphing practice Test taking strategies Saturday review sessions After school review sessions Self-Study Mock Exam
HIGHLY Suggested Book ‘Strive for Five Principals of Life Science’ – ISBN: / ISBN-13: – By Franklin Bell and John Lepri – ~$30 from Amazon
2016 AP Biology Exam May 9 th at 8AM 64 multiple-choice questions, 6 math questions, 2 long FRQs, 6 short FRQs
Where can I get help? During STEP every day After school on Tuesdays and Thursdays Or me anytime!
Class Website mspoolebiology.com This will be your LIFELINE this year
Remind 101 Text this number: With this
Biology Dream Boards You will create a ‘dream’ board for each of the 4 main ideas in AP biology based on your prior knowledge 1. The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. 2. Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building block to grow, reproduce and maintain dynamic homeostasis. 3. Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes. 4. Biological systems interact. These systems and their interactions possess complex properties.