fakebook George Washington Wow… It’s great to be the first elected president. WallInfoPhotosGeorge WashingtonLogout Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Thomas Jefferson Character’s next status update. Henry Knox Character’s next status update. George Washington Character’s next status update. Thomas Jefferson Oldest status update goes here. (Beginning of the story). Alexander Hamilton informational post goes here! Henry Knox Character’s next status update Put the profile picture of your character here!
fakebook Thomas Jefferson Writing the Declaration of Independence was fun. WallInfoPhotosThomas JeffersonLogout Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Alexander Hamilton Character’s next status update. John Adams Character’s next status update. Alexander Hamilton Character’s next status update. Alexander Hamilton Oldest status update goes here. (Beginning of the story). George Washington informational post goes here! Thomas Jefferson Character’s next status update Put the profile picture of your character here! Characte r’s profile picture
fakebook Henry Knox I have had some great coworkers in my past. WallInfoPhotosHenry KnoxLogout Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share George Washington Character’s next status update. Henry Knox Character’s next status update. John Adams Character’s next status update. Henry Knox Oldest status update goes here. (Beginning of the story). John Adams informational post goes here! George Washington Character’s next status update Put the profile picture of your character here! Characte r’s profile picture
fakebook John Adams It really upsets me that we are always arguing in this country. WallInfoPhotosJohn AdamsLogout Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share John Adams Character’s next status update. Alexander Hamilton Character’s next status update. Thomas Jefferson Character’s next status update. George Washington Oldest status update goes here. (Beginning of the story). Alexander Hamilton informational post goes here! John Adams Character’s next status update Characte r’s profile picture
fakebook Alexander Hamilton That Thomas Jefferson really frustrates me. WallInfoPhotosAlexander HamiltonLogout Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Alexander Hamilton Character’s next status update. George Washington Character’s next status update. John Adams Character’s next status update. Thomas Jefferson Oldest status update goes here. (Beginning of the story). Thomas Jefferson informational post goes here! Alexander Hamilton Character’s next status update Put the profile picture of your character here!
Strengths fakebook Character’s Name Same status update as top of first page goes here. WallInfoPhotosEbenezer ScroogeLogout Wall InfoPhotos Personality Traits List 5 personality traits with One Space Between each List 3 strengths here with One Space between Weaknesses List 3 weaknesses here with One Space between Put the profile picture of your character here!
Works Cited Grumpy Scrooge picture: bah-humbug-to-god-bless-us-every-one/ bah-humbug-to-god-bless-us-every-one/ Happy Scrooge picture: arol) arol) Fred picture: specials.wikia.com/wiki/Fred_(A_Christmas_Carol) specials.wikia.com/wiki/Fred_(A_Christmas_Carol) Bob Cratchitt picture: =category&layout=blog&id=2&Itemid=11 =category&layout=blog&id=2&Itemid=11